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East Coast Earthquake of 2011
Hi Angel, Thanks for sharing your experiences. I think your children's reactions are very understandable. Hopefully, they will develop strategies for dealing with rumbling now and then.
MarenEliz, on 01/31/2012
iPhone Gloves - Texting Gloves That Work
great idea and something i might invest in. could do with a pair today because it's freezing here in the UK
pcdman, on 01/31/2012
Adam Lambert - His Music
good article although I'm not a fan
pcdman, on 01/31/2012
Occupy Valentine's Day! Taking on the Romance Industry
I keep seeing it described by people as 'a Hallmark Holiday'. I don't know if that's always been said and it's merely that I'm noticing it now, or if there is a groundswell of rebellion here. Some of the Occupy Valentine's Day submissions on ...
JoHarrington, on 01/31/2012
Imbolc: Celebrating the Quickening in the Wiccan Wheel of the Year
I've belatedly added that option in for you. There have only been seven votes to date, so it shouldn't skew the results too much. Thank you for commenting. <3
JoHarrington, on 01/31/2012
Have You Tried Turning It Off and On Again?
Hi Kate, Indeed it is. Now you'll be able to watch IT Crowd with a few extra giggles. :)
JoHarrington, on 01/31/2012
How to Wear Pink High Heels
I never thought I would get the response I have gotten from this Wizz. I love pink and black too. You can wear those boots... hey I got them and wear them. I get more compliments on them than any other pair of shoe I have.. something about ...
Angel, on 01/31/2012
How to Wear Pink High Heels
I've got to admit when I first saw this title, I thought, "That's a fluff piece. Nobody will be interested in it." How wrong I was. It looks like a lot of women are interested in it. I'm decorating my office in pink and black right now. I wish I ...
BrendaReeves, on 01/31/2012
Burma Travel
I admire you for having the nerve to travel to places like this. I am such a chicken. I don't like to fly and have only gotten on an airplane a few times. One time was to Argentina and it was a long flight. Wheww. Stressful for me. I enjoy ...
Angel, on 01/31/2012
Burma Travel
Burma / Myanmar looks with each of your articles more appealing to me! if it wouldn't be such a long flight away from where I live, I would be off tomorrow ;-)
Sam, on 01/31/2012
9 Ways to Kill or Seriously Injure a Vampire
I love especially the tip that garlic won't hurt French vampires, good to know and thumbs up ;-)
Sam, on 01/31/2012
Dyson DC28 Animal Bagless Upright Cleaner for Pet Owners
Dyson vacuum cleaners are the best! They are expensive but well worth the money. I don't have this model but I do have an older model and it is wonderful.
Angel, on 01/31/2012
Understanding the Theology of Ufology
Planet X? tenth planet?
DebbieBrooks, on 01/31/2012
Understanding the Theology of Ufology
Well I feel dumb right now.. LOl.. I don't understand Ufology I hardly understand theology.. gee..
DebbieBrooks, on 01/31/2012
5 Reasons Why People Fail At Internet Marketing
Great article! Thanks for sharing. Love your humor :) I`ve only been writing for a couple months and I love to write so most of the time it doesn`t feel like work. I need to educate myself more on keywords and seo.....
freelance, on 01/30/2012

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