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Thermal Carafe
I used to run a coffee shop in the Borders store in my neighborhood, and the thermal pump pot above is what we used to store coffee for many years. They work great, and the coffee tastes fresh.
lakeerieartists, on 01/13/2012
The Best Senior Cell Phone
Really thoughtful article. I enjoyed reading through. With my parents, just getting them to turn on the phone long enough to be reached is the issue. :)
lakeerieartists, on 01/13/2012
Heart of The Ocean Necklace
Really beautiful blues in these. When did you say you were going to get me one? Just kidding. :)
lakeerieartists, on 01/13/2012
Sailors' Valentines Shell Art
yes, I create them too ! Judy Dinnick
Judy Dinnick, on 01/13/2012
Impossibru! A Marriage Proposal by Internet Meme
Hi Mandeesears - I thoroughly agree! I'm not the most romantically minded of people, but this one made me squee.
JoHarrington, on 01/13/2012
Ninjago Cake and Cupcakes - Quick and Easy
Very cute cake and great how-to photos.
Janet21, on 01/13/2012
Women in Panties: History and Perceptions
Hi Lizzy, Yes, when I read that article I referenced at the beginning, it made me curious and I too was amazed at how much history existed about underwear. Ha-ha. Female undies certainly have a much more colorful history than guy's underwear. ...
jblack, on 01/13/2012
Victoria Kay Jewelry
What elegant and pretty diamond jewelry.
Marie, on 01/13/2012
Dark Red Roses For Your Loved Ones
I love roses and dark red ones make for a very dramatic display.
Marie, on 01/13/2012
January Birthstone
This is my birthstone - gemstones are very pretty. I like the idea of carrying the tumbled stones because I don't wear much jewelry. The garnet and diamond bracelet is gorgeous.
Marie, on 01/13/2012
Fruity Preserve Filled Heart Sugar Cookies
I used to be terrible at baking as well - it's just down to practice. And we only get cakes and cookies if I bake them. Thanks for stopping by, Angel.
Marie, on 01/13/2012
Impossibru! A Marriage Proposal by Internet Meme
very sweet!
mandeesears, on 01/13/2012
Spare Tire Cover
You are welcome, Angel! Yes, for an under the vehicle spare tire they would be unfortunately wasted ;-( But they make also great gifts ;-)
Sam, on 01/13/2012
Halleluia Chorus
This is just awesome and I agree with Jimmie's comment. What an inspired teacher.
CountryMouseStudio, on 01/13/2012
Dryer Lint Art
What a great post. I think I'm going to try making the clay. I love your dryer.
CountryMouseStudio, on 01/13/2012

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