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Purple accessories for your Kindle
Thanks Paul. I took your advice when buying my Kindle, and went for the 3G.
whitemoss, on 01/14/2012

Pugster Vintage Brooch Pin for Valentine's Day
I know several people who collect brooch pins. These pugster ones are very pretty, I love the sea snail.
Marie, on 01/14/2012

Fruity Preserve Filled Heart Sugar Cookies
Thank you @lakeerieartists - I hope you give the jam heart cookies a try, they're pretty easy :)
Marie, on 01/14/2012

Welsh Love Spoons: A Thoroughly Celtic Way to Say I Love You
Hi Wizza - Indeed it is! Though some of these are so ornate that you'd be loathe to eat your soup with them. <3
JoHarrington, on 01/14/2012

Is Your Home Safe for a Deaf Person?
That about the national requirement came from a telephone conversation with an officer from Staffordshire Fire Brigade. They do it and so do West Midlands Fire Brigade. That's as far as I know for definite right now.
But I am getting a call ...
JoHarrington, on 01/14/2012

Matthew Sanford - Inspiration From a Paraplegic Yoga Teacher
What an inspiring story! Exercise, in any form, can have such an amazing healing power, both in mind and in body, if we let it. Great article.
Kris_Heeter, on 01/14/2012

Welsh Love Spoons: A Thoroughly Celtic Way to Say I Love You
wow..that is both incredibly romantic AND practical.
wizza, on 01/14/2012

DIY Wedding Ideas
wow that's a lot of ideas! but also a ton of planning
wizza, on 01/14/2012

Is Your Home Safe for a Deaf Person?
That's interesting, do you have a reference? I can't find anything. Our local fire service website still says they are not generally available. I looked into it a while back because some fire services did have a free service. I'd like to be ...
TerriRexson, on 01/14/2012

Top 10 Rock Star Action Figures
This is fabulous! I never knew there were such things as 'Rock Star' action figures. Thanks for opening my eyes to a whole new world, Tilen.
WiseFool, on 01/14/2012

How to Take Notes in the Shower
Oh, my goodness. Bathtub crayons! I have a mixture of emotions: I'm upset that there weren't such things when I was a child. And I'm grappling with whether I'm too old for them now. What a fun read! Thanks, Jimmie.
WiseFool, on 01/14/2012

King James I's Obsession With Witches
Thanks Terri. You're right about poor old Katharina Kepler - the 16th and 17th centuries were not a good era for anyone who seemed slightly 'odd' to others. I find it fascinating and horryfing in equal measure. But, yes, it wasn't anywhere near ...
WiseFool, on 01/14/2012

Is Your Home Safe for a Deaf Person?
Hi Terri - I'd check that out with your local service again, if it's been a couple of years since you looked into it.
I was speaking with a fire officer this morning (as you do) and he told me that recently it became a national requirement to ...
JoHarrington, on 01/14/2012

Everything Hello Kitty
I was at the store yesterday and there was Hello Kitty apparel for toddlers and Hello Kitty apparel for women. Not only is she timeless, she also has cornered a huge market. Thanks everyone for stopping by my page! :)
Janet21, on 01/14/2012

Is Your Home Safe for a Deaf Person?
Very useful, I'll remember this if we ever have a deaf visitor to stay.
In a lot of areas of England the fire service won't come out and do a home safety test and issue free fire alarms unless you are classed as vulnerable. I think that does ...
TerriRexson, on 01/14/2012