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Halleluia Chorus
This is just awesome and I agree with Jimmie's comment. What an inspired teacher.
CountryMouseStudio, on 01/13/2012

Dryer Lint Art
What a great post. I think I'm going to try making the clay. I love your dryer.
CountryMouseStudio, on 01/13/2012

The Current Popularity of Owls
Hi Sheilamarie I will go check out your article. Owls are amazing aren't they.
CountryMouseStudio, on 01/13/2012

Fruity Preserve Filled Heart Sugar Cookies
These look so yummy. I am terrible at baking but only because I don't do much of it. I need to try these. My kids would love them since they love jelly, jam, preserves.. or whatever its called. Ha..
Angel, on 01/13/2012

Heart of The Ocean Necklace
Nicely done. Your pages are very good. I like your style of writing. I hope to learn a lot from Wizzlers like you!
Angel, on 01/13/2012

An Adventure Of A Lifetime
I agree, Angel...I am so fortunate to have Cathy!
SidewalkPhilosopher, on 01/13/2012

Flower Salt and Pepper Shakers
This reminds me of my grandmother. She had so many different salt and pepper shakers. I never think to spice things up in the kitchen with the s&p shakers. I use the same old boring ones.
Angel, on 01/13/2012

Spare Tire Cover
These are pretty cool. I like the butterfly tire cover. Unfortunately our spare tire is under the vehicle. But if it was out I would definately get one of these! Thanks for the great info.
Angel, on 01/13/2012

An Adventure Of A Lifetime
What a great story of friendship. I have one friend that is like this to me. I have known her for many years and we love each other dearly. It really feels good to have such a friend. Thanks for sharing.
Angel, on 01/13/2012

Silver Heart Pendant Necklace
These are beautiful! My husband gave me a heart shaped diamond necklace last year for Valentine's Day. I was quite surprised. I wear it everyday. Now I want the blue sapphire (I think that is what it is) heart shaped necklace shown. ...
Angel, on 01/13/2012

The Best Senior Cell Phone
Very useful information for me. I am trying to figure out the best phone to get for my mom who is getting up there in age. Useful information. Thanks.
Angel, on 01/13/2012

Myanmar Travel Information - What To Wear
"you should be walking around topless" Whoa!
I had no idea that you should also remove socks. Myanmar is an Asian country I never visited. These culturally sensitive tips are helpful.
Jimmie, on 01/13/2012

How To Make A Natural Body Cleanser And Shampoo
This sounds fantastic. Where can I get some? I have recently become a fan of pure shea butter. I bought some from an African man at a fair. It's a great moisturizer. (I wrote a wizz about it.) I would love to try some of this black soap because ...
Jimmie, on 01/13/2012

Pictures of Little Red Squirrels
I love watching the gray squirrels in our yard. They are hilarious and sometimes quite noisy.
Jimmie, on 01/13/2012

Auction Sites Online for Stolen Goods
You've certainly alerted me to this problem. I hadn't thought much about the things I buy online and whether or not they were stolen.
mulberry, on 01/13/2012