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Weight Loss
For me it's move more. I eat pretty well and could do without meat, so I like to eat fish and veggies. If I didn't have a teenage boy to cook for, my diet would be even healthier. My problem is that I sit at the computer to work and therefore ...
dustytoes, on 01/13/2012
Ninja Party Supplies and Ideas
Love the rubber duckie ninjas! These cute ducks are available in so many party themes now. :)
Janet21, on 01/13/2012
Weight Loss
Don't cut out the snacks, in fact add them in. I small one between meals, an apple, 8-10 almonds, bit of cottage cheese or similar. Raise the protein, lower the carbs, eat 6 times a day & get off the couch for 30 minutes or so did it for me.
caniwi, on 01/13/2012
Unique iPad Cases
Some very distinctive cases - my iPad cover in plain black seems a tad inadequate alongside these :-)
pkmcr, on 01/13/2012
Tribal Pages: Organizing Your Family Tree Online
Excellent information. As a keen genealogist I know how easily one can become buried in paperwork!
pkmcr, on 01/13/2012
Pictures of Little Red Squirrels
I love your photos. I adore squirrels as we have many near where we live and they are gorgeous little animals. So friendly - when they want food!
Marie, on 01/13/2012
Weight Loss
Good luck with your weight loss journey. I have to watch my weight more as I'm getting older because it seems easier to put on and harder to shift - I do tons of home cooking and baking which doesn't help! Last year I cut out all fizzy drinks ...
Marie, on 01/13/2012
January Birthstone
I know. My husband's birthday is in January and tempted to buy him some of these loose stones since they are supposed to have healing powers. Thanks for reading and commenting!
Angel, on 01/13/2012
How to Buy and Use a Coffee Maker Percolator
There is nothing quite like a freshly brewed cup of coffee n the morning!
pkmcr, on 01/13/2012
Healthy sleeping gadgets
The wake up light sounds ideal and far better than having an alarm clock waking you in the darkness!
pkmcr, on 01/13/2012
January Birthstone
Now who can I get to buy me something with the red garnet in for this birthday ;-)
pkmcr, on 01/13/2012
Knight and Dragon Party Supplies and Ideas
Yes, Me! I love the knights and dragons theme seeing as I'm very much into TV shows like Merlin. My daughter would love this too. I love your castle cake - looks fab.
Marie, on 01/13/2012
How to Buy a Computer
Good straightforward advice nicely presented
pkmcr, on 01/13/2012
Stuffed Unicorn Toys
Unicorns are gorgeous mythical creatures indeed. Thanks for your visit, bhthanks :)
Marie, on 01/13/2012
Angry Birds Party Supplies
Thank you @bhthanks. Angry Birds make for fun parties!
Marie, on 01/13/2012

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