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Dark Red Roses For Your Loved Ones
Yes, I love the look of Dark red roses. luckily, there are silk roses for indoors. thanks for your comment, ethelsmith!
bhthanks, on 01/12/2012
Why Would Someone Abuse a Child?
Abuse prevention is an important topic.
bhthanks, on 01/12/2012
X Factor across the pond
Simon Cowell is very successful and popular. X factor sounds like a nice show!
bhthanks, on 01/12/2012
Stuffed Unicorn Toys
Yes! Stuffed Unicorn Toys bring up so much feelings. The feeling that anything is possible, who knows what's out there and what can be done.... Unicorns bring up good feelings in people.
bhthanks, on 01/12/2012
Angry Birds Party Supplies
You have such beautifully pictured products on this page. Who knew Angry Birds would make such a great theme!
bhthanks, on 01/12/2012
Hemp Bracelets
Yes, the butterfly and also the one with the metallic beads are very fancy! thanks for your comment, kinworm!
bhthanks, on 01/12/2012
Make A Hemp Bracelet or Necklace
yes, jewelry making can be so much fun! thanks for your comment, kinworm.
bhthanks, on 01/12/2012
Step Six in recovery
What a wonderful bit of helpful and positive information, thanks for the supportive article on step six in recovery. Katie
katiem2, on 01/12/2012
An Adventure Of A Lifetime
Thanks, Grace...I'm glad you enjoyed hearing our story...and it continues...for years to come, I hope! :)
SidewalkPhilosopher, on 01/12/2012
In A World Without Light
Thank you, Kingnet...I am glad you shared my thoughts on this subject!
SidewalkPhilosopher, on 01/12/2012
Make Money With Wizzley - Progress Of A Not So Newbie
Pages sound a little odd to me - its just that I'm used to WordPress where most of your "articles" are probably posts not pages - but technically from a WordPress point of view the articles here are pages! Thanks for the compliment - I try to ...
Lissie, on 01/12/2012
How To Run Longer Without Trying
I can really relate to this unintended adventure. My husband and I love to roam in the nearby state parks on their trails. It always amazes me how we can get so lost on market trails. We are walkers and hikers - not runners like you. But being ...
Digby_Adams, on 01/12/2012
Fruity Preserve Filled Heart Sugar Cookies
Thank you @Graceonline. They do almost look like stained glass. Definitely an eye-catching cookie for Valentine's Day :)
Marie, on 01/12/2012
Get your passport to Florida State Parks
Its a clever system - i'm guessing that visitors have to pay to enter parks in Fl? I in fact would need my passport to visit - as I live in NZ - but I'd like to get to Florida - obviously to see Cape Canaveral (sp) and Epicott but this would ...
Lissie, on 01/12/2012
Weight Loss Journey
@caniwi - one of the advantages of working from home is that its easy to have good breakfast, the disadvantage is the bloody fridge - but at least its out of sight and downstairs! @beth - well done you! Yeah 200lbs - now that I know its 90kg ...
Lissie, on 01/12/2012

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