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What You Don't Know About Trees Could Be Costing You More Than You Think
That's great Dustytoes that you live in an area with lots of trees. I once lived in a part of Kansas where there were hardly any trees at all so I certainly learned to appreciate them a lot more!
jblack, on 01/12/2012
Freezer meals - The Once a Month Cooking Way
Too true, it can definitely burn a home in one's bank account. Even without children, constantly eating out is an expensive concept.
MuminBusiness, on 01/12/2012
Freezer meals - The Once a Month Cooking Way
I used the OAMC method when I was teaching full time and working on my master's degree at night. It was the only way we could have a decent meal on the table. Eating out is not only unhealthy but expensive.
Jimmie, on 01/12/2012
Science Party Supplies and Ideas
Love this idea. Birthdays don't have to be Disney focused. They can be centered on the wonders of science and learning.
Jimmie, on 01/12/2012
Welsh Love Spoons: A Thoroughly Celtic Way to Say I Love You
Hi Sheri and Dustytoes. Thank you for commenting. Yes, the Celtic men can be romantic, if they want to be. Dustytoes - LOL Then you'll have to hand it straight back with a 'could do better' look on your face!
JoHarrington, on 01/12/2012
Science Party Supplies and Ideas
@Sam Kids love that a brain jello mold freaks out adults! @Paula Excellent. Kids learn really well when they're having fun. And we need more kids growing up knowledgeable about science.
TerriRexson, on 01/12/2012
Using a Tablet or iPad in the Kitchen
I have been trying to decide why I need an iPad, so this is good reference in my favor. Love the ideas on this.
lakeerieartists, on 01/12/2012
Science Party Supplies and Ideas
My nephew is very much into science, and I just sent him a science kit for Chanukah. Great ideas here.
lakeerieartists, on 01/12/2012
What You Don't Know About Trees Could Be Costing You More Than You Think
Well, I love trees, but don't need to plant any where I live in NH. I am surrounded by them. That opening photo is awesome!
dustytoes, on 01/12/2012
How to Take Notes in the Shower
Goodness, you read my mind. I always get all my good ideas in the shower then when I think about it later, I can never remember! Very cool article and solution.
Pinkchic18, on 01/12/2012
Welsh Love Spoons: A Thoroughly Celtic Way to Say I Love You
What a nice tradition, except I'd be the one who got the "sloppy, worm-ridden twig"! I also love Laura's spoons - very nice!
dustytoes, on 01/12/2012
Weight Loss Journey
Thanks for sharing. I'm on my own journey to fitness and healthy size right now myself. I'm walking and riding most days and trying to cut down on those darned sweets that think they own me. I'm trying to show them who's boss. Best to you on ...
ohcaroline, on 01/12/2012
Welsh Love Spoons: A Thoroughly Celtic Way to Say I Love You
This is such a romantic tradition.
Sheri_Oz, on 01/12/2012
Valentines Day Coffee Mugs
These are really cute!
Sheri_Oz, on 01/12/2012
How to Hold an Apron Parade
This looks like fun.
Sheri_Oz, on 01/12/2012

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