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Heart of The Ocean Necklace
these are s beautiful
annieangel, on 01/04/2012
Heart of The Ocean Necklace
Some very nice sapphire jewelry here and I love the name 'The Heart of the Ocean.'
Marie, on 01/04/2012
Cute Love Heart Shaped Cookie Cutters
That's a great idea, Sheilamarie, to make some sweet little heart cards (or maybe gift tags) with the heart cutters as a template to draw around. Thanks for stopping by.
Marie, on 01/04/2012
Cute Love Heart Shaped Cookie Cutters
Thanks Jimmie - I make cookies all year round because I get asked to make them for school, for parties and I also make them as gifts too. I love my cookie cutter collection but people don't normally think to buy them for me as a gift ...
Marie, on 01/04/2012
Visiting Cornwall on Holiday
I'd love to go to Cornwall one day partly because I'd love to visit the Eden Project!
Marie, on 01/04/2012
Easy Origami Heart Instructions: Simple Step by Step for Kids to Follow
Glad you got the origami heart right on your second attempt. I will try making the photo's and instructions even clearer if I can then. This is one of the few origami pieces I can fold on the spur of the moment - my daughter often asks for a ...
Marie, on 01/04/2012
Valentine's Day Tablecloths: Best Selection 2019
Hi Brenda, you are right. 60 and 70 inch, round tablecloths are very hard to find. They do have plain white and cream ones on Amazon. I also managed to find a plain red 70 inch round tablecloth which would be suitable for Valentine's Day and ...
Marie, on 01/04/2012
Jungle Safari Cake Pans
These pans are ones I love, too!
sheilamarie, on 01/04/2012
Cute Love Heart Shaped Cookie Cutters
What nice heart cookie cutters! You could use some of these hearts as templates for making your own Valentines cards, too. To add to your gift of homemade heart cookies, naturally.
sheilamarie, on 01/04/2012
Developing a Deep Understanding of Multiplication in 3rd Grade Math
Another nice math article, Educationinfo4U. Unfortunately, because of food allergies, some schools are starting to frown on using snacks in the classroom, but their benefit as a motivator can be seen in your examples. I guess choosing which ...
sheilamarie, on 01/04/2012
Comparing and Combining Sets in First Grade Math
I like how you've included real objects and movement to present mathematical process. So many children get turned off math just because it feels frustrating and confusing for them. Letting them know that math is something they've been doing all ...
sheilamarie, on 01/04/2012
Leader vs Manager: Myths and Misconceptions
Great article using popular movies to make your point. Well done!
sheilamarie, on 01/04/2012
Broome and the Kimberley Region of Australia
I lived in Perth for a few years, and I even had to tell Australians that they couldn't just "pop up " to Broome - that it is after all a 3 day drive! And don't think most people have any idea just how empty and large most of Oz is!
Lissie, on 01/04/2012
Traveling to South East Asia with Children
From what I see, the main problem for kids in SE Asia, are their over-protective parents! After the Asians seem to have quite a lot of healthy kids! The one that blew me away were taking boats in Thailand where some people were clearly ...
Lissie, on 01/04/2012
Make Money With Wizzley - Progress Of A Not So Newbie
Oh Jimmie - yeah you need to get out and get your own sites - the trouble is that these sites make it easy and the community is nice - it makes it just too comfortable. But, with all due respect to wizzley, you have to own your own websites long ...
Lissie, on 01/04/2012

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