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What will 2011 go down in history for?
Yes, a lot has happened over the past year. Interesting read.
bhthanks, on 01/04/2012
How To Wrap Presents For Your Loved Ones
Thanks for your comment, ethelsmith
bhthanks, on 01/04/2012
Cynthia Rylant: Children's Book Summaries and Video Reviews
I'm glad I've been able to introduce some of you to Cynthia Rylant's books. She's actually written a lot more than the books on this page. And Jimmie, I love books, too. Would love to get together for a book chat! @Dustytoes -- Though I like the ...
sheilamarie, on 01/04/2012
Cynthia Rylant: Children's Book Summaries and Video Reviews
Never heard of Cynthia Rylant but I love the fact that her books have the depth that most children's authors seem to avoid. Children are much more thoughtful than we give them credit for. I love the story-lines of The Old Woman Who Names Things ...
Bhavesh, on 01/04/2012
Your choice of Browser matters
Thanks for the input Sam. Yes as novices we tend to simply use IE. Other browsers work so much better though
ethelsmith, on 01/04/2012
How To Wrap Presents For Your Loved Ones
Good ideas thanks
ethelsmith, on 01/04/2012
How to Take Notes in the Shower
I tend to rush in and out of the shower. Now a bath is different
ethelsmith, on 01/04/2012
Passive Income Business Ideas
Useful thanks. Passive income does sometimes roll in from sites you longer participate on but roll in is the wrong word. Dwindle in maybe. Still it is useful money. Agreed though that if something seems too good to be true it probably is.
ethelsmith, on 01/04/2012
Summer vacation plans
HI Lissie part of it is as hubby and I have to book leave from work early. And of course we want to ensure we get into out favourite haunt. We Brits are nuts ya know lol Yes bhtanks last minute deals are good but booking early gives you time to ...
ethelsmith, on 01/04/2012
Valentine Day Barbie Doll Sweet Gift for 2018
Gosh I didn't realise there was a Valentine Barbie - but then there would have to be wouldn't there! Nicely done
pkmcr, on 01/04/2012
The West Highland White Terrier
I dog sit a terrier who is part westie for a friend - he's a stroppy little guy - which I believe is typcial! But very, very cute!
Lissie, on 01/04/2012
Make Money With Wizzley - Progress Of A Not So Newbie
LOL Hi "Sam" Gerkmeister - I can't spell - not a hope in hell!
Lissie, on 01/04/2012
Broome and the Kimberley Region of Australia
Empty and large can even be an understatement Lissie. I haven't been over to the West Coast yet but the Newcastle to Cairns trip certainly gave me a new perspective on distance!
AboutAustralia, on 01/04/2012
Make Money With Wizzley - Progress Of A Not So Newbie
Fancy meeting you here ;-) Need to upload that avatar, but me thinks you know who I am ;-) SY
Sam, on 01/04/2012
Cynthia Rylant: Children's Book Summaries and Video Reviews
I'm a fan of Cynthia Rylant. In fact, I love children's books -- both picture books and chapter books/novels. To be quite honest, I love BOOKS! :-)
Jimmie, on 01/04/2012

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