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Easy Origami Heart Instructions: Simple Step by Step for Kids to Follow
Thank you @brl and @sheilamarie. It's a nice easy project to do. Once you know the origami steps, you can fold the hearts really quickly.
Marie, on 01/03/2012
Buy the Best Multi Purpose Quality Gardening Tiller Available Online
Katie glad to hear from you. Spring gardening season is just around the corner. Having the best tiller for your gardening chore sure makes cultivating and weeding your favorite vegetables more like fun.
Best wishes, Mike
teddletonmr, on 01/03/2012
Learn 7 Basic Steps to a Beautiful Lawn the Professionals use to Make Money
7 basic lawn care steps is awesome, thanks for the great lawn care tips, look out neighbors...
katiem2, on 01/03/2012
3 Steps to Reseeding or over seeding your way to a Beautiful Lawn
I need to reseed my yard this year so grateful for all your yard care tips.
katiem2, on 01/03/2012
Sailors' Valentines Shell Art
No, I've never heard of them before, though I've seen lots of little creations made with shells while growing up on the Atlantic coast. Thanks for introducing the sailors' valentine.
sheilamarie, on 01/03/2012
Buy the Best Multi Purpose Quality Gardening Tiller Available Online
Great comparison review of tillers a must have for my families gardening needs.
katiem2, on 01/03/2012
Valentine's Day Tablecloths: Best Selection 2019
I love the vintage tablecloth at the top of the page. Very pretty!
sheilamarie, on 01/03/2012
Easy Origami Heart Instructions: Simple Step by Step for Kids to Follow
Another perfectly conceived tutorial on an origami project. I think i'll try it!
sheilamarie, on 01/03/2012
Lis | Lissie | Elisabeth : Internet Marketer, Author, Traveller
Thanks guys - the Internet is a small world eh? :-)
Lissie, on 01/03/2012
Writing Online For Content On Many Sites
Good advice and now I am branching out more. One of my resolutions for 2012!
Guest, on 01/03/2012
Lis | Lissie | Elisabeth : Internet Marketer, Author, Traveller
Hey Lissie! Welcoming another Hubber
I always like reading your articles!
Guest, on 01/03/2012
Creating a free web site
Ethel how and where do you add your adsense account number to google plus sites to get paid?
katiem2, on 01/03/2012
Your choice of Browser matters
I usually use Mozilla Firefox. but it is so true that some sites work better or worse on specific browsers. additionally, some computers only have certain browsers installed. I sometimes use internet explorer or google chrome. others i use very ...
bhthanks, on 01/03/2012
How to Find the Love of Your Life
Who said romance was dead :)
ethelsmith, on 01/03/2012
Romantic Gestures & Grand Gestures of Love: Ideas
Thanks ethelsmith!
bhthanks, on 01/03/2012