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Focaccia Bread Recipe - The Real Thing!
This looks and sounds so delicious. I'm getting hungry reading this and seeing the pictures...
bhthanks, on 01/04/2012
Best Giraffe Gifts
Giraffes are magnificent and these gifts are adorable.
bhthanks, on 01/04/2012
Best Cow Gifts
So cute! Cows are a vital part of the world. The majority of people drink cow's milk, and that requires cows. The cow gifts are adorable.
bhthanks, on 01/04/2012
Disney Snowglobes and Water Globe Collectibles
The Disney Snow globes are all so pretty. They remind me of Disneyland and childhood.
bhthanks, on 01/04/2012
Lis | Lissie | Elisabeth : Internet Marketer, Author, Traveller
LOL Sheliamarie - yeah its always about traffic at the end of the day!
Lissie, on 01/04/2012
How to Take Notes in the Shower
Brilliant - I tend to think in the bath - so a scuba slate would work for me!
Lissie, on 01/04/2012
Make Money With Wizzley - Progress Of A Not So Newbie
Yeah I'll probably write a page about the loneliness of this game - there are some tricks I've learnt over the years! Thanks for stopping by!
Lissie, on 01/04/2012
How to Take Notes in the Shower
So that's why -- it's the sound of the rushing water! Sort of like a walk on the beach or by a waterfall. . . . Hmmmm.
sheilamarie, on 01/04/2012
How to Take Notes in the Shower
My kids use the crayons and markers in the bath all the time. I've never really thought about using them to capture an idea of mine. Great thinking!
cardelean, on 01/04/2012
Lis | Lissie | Elisabeth : Internet Marketer, Author, Traveller
Nice to meet you, Lissie! I've gone the self-published route lately. Now comes the hard work of promotion. It's good to have partners in rhyme. P.S. Nice dance moves!
sheilamarie, on 01/04/2012
Dog Apparel-Winter Jackets/Snowsuits For Dogs
Yes, Dog Jackets are important to keep dogs warm. Thank you for sharing this important information on winter jackets for dogs.
bhthanks, on 01/04/2012
Baby Toys
Hi sojourner, so true- my baby loves Baby Einstein! thanks for you comment.
bhthanks, on 01/04/2012
Make Money With Wizzley - Progress Of A Not So Newbie
Interesting perspective, Lissy. Although I know you're right, I do appreciate the camaraderie here and on places like Squidoo. It keeps me motivated. I am working on my own site, but the work to get traffic is the hard part.
sheilamarie, on 01/04/2012
Baby Toys
Hi bhthanks, I really like Baby Einstein--this is such a great line of toys for kids that continues to help and develop as they get older.
sojourner, on 01/04/2012
How to Write Great Love Letters
Hi, this is a great site. Sometimes we all need a little nudge of words to help us out. I really like your theme of pages.
sojourner, on 01/04/2012

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