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Mario Bros Birthday Cakes
cool cakes
pcdman, on 01/05/2012

George Stinney Jr: The Tragic Case of a Child Executed in the USA
Thank you for your views, Spirituality.
When I was researching this story, I came across a comment which said that the lack of evidence was the reason the case would never be reopened. Basically there would be nothing for a modern judge to base ...
JoHarrington, on 01/05/2012

Don`t Stop Eating These
Anyone interested in eating right should read Good Calories Bad Calories. It really helped me understand why the American diet is so unhealthy. I agree with you on beef, eggs, and coffee. Natural and healthy!
Jimmie, on 01/05/2012

George Stinney Jr: The Tragic Case of a Child Executed in the USA
I think it's a disgrace that a 14 year old got the death penalty, especially given the lack of evidence - though it would have been a disgrace even if there had been plenty of evidence.
I'm mixed on reopening the case, especially since the ...
spirituality, on 01/05/2012

Nail Biting - Causes and Prevention
Thank you bhthanks - I was sitting here one night trying to figure out what to write about and kept biting my nails. So I decided to write this article about it.. I have also heard of using the bitter nail polish for thumb sucking. I have ...
Angel, on 01/05/2012

Heart Party Supplies
Those heart pops make great party supplies.
Marie, on 01/05/2012

Homemade Valentines Day Gifts for Him
My husband likes me to bake a nice big cake.
Marie, on 01/05/2012

How to Take Notes in the Shower
I often take notes in the bath - I use a waterproof cover over my iphone. I'm in too much of a rush while having a shower but I bet many people would find this handy.
Marie, on 01/05/2012

Winter Riddles
The riddles were fun to do!
Marie, on 01/05/2012

How To Wrap Presents For Your Loved Ones
Angel, yes, beautifully wrapped presents certainly can create more feelings of joy. Thank you for your comment.
bhthanks, on 01/05/2012

Nail Biting - Causes and Prevention
These are wonderful tips for preventing and treating nail biting. Regarding the bitter nail polish that discourages nail biting, I think I have heard that the bitter nail polish also helps to discourage kids from sucking their thumbs.
bhthanks, on 01/05/2012

Love and Friendship Can Friends be Lovers
Beautiful article and so true...
DrDarko, on 01/05/2012

Best Stock Photography Affiliate Programs
I had no idea this was available as an income option. I am fairly new to all of this online income producing stuff. Very informative. Thanks.
Angel, on 01/05/2012

How To Wrap Presents For Your Loved Ones
I really like your ideas. I seem to always be in a hurry and not spend the time making the presentation of the package as pretty as it could be. I absolutely love receiving a gift that is wrapped beautifully. This inspires me to do better!
Angel, on 01/05/2012

How to Take Notes in the Shower
awesome! :)
TilenHrovatic, on 01/05/2012