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Healthy Chef Recipes
I have! I have the frugal cookbook. It is actually hard to find cookbooks that have recipes with whole ingredients and real food (instead of a packet of this and a box of that). Chef Alain uses the traditional approach of using economical, in ...
Jimmie, on 01/05/2012
Welsh Love Spoons: A Thoroughly Celtic Way to Say I Love You
I really love the knots and intricate designs. Beautiful. Now I'm wondering about the meaning of that double-ended spoon *dies*
S.A.M., on 01/05/2012
Fast and Easy Article Promotion
thanks for such a well written article, I hate all the promotional stuff but needs must!
annieangel, on 01/05/2012
Welsh Love Spoons: A Thoroughly Celtic Way to Say I Love You
I'm glad that you liked it. I'll have to find some more articles about such traditions! I could definitely do one on the history of Valentine's Day. Have you ever seen a Welsh love spoon in real life? Some of them are quite stunning.
JoHarrington, on 01/05/2012
Welsh Love Spoons: A Thoroughly Celtic Way to Say I Love You
Love this article! I love reading about historical traditions associated with romance (and death), or with holidays. (And we all know St. Valentine's Day wasn't originally a Christian holiday for ...
Crystal Isis, on 01/05/2012
Working From Home is My Dream Come True
I am also lucky to be working at what I love. I hope your article inspires lots of other people too :)
Marie, on 01/05/2012
Fruity Preserve Filled Heart Sugar Cookies
Thank you, Dustytoes. Glad you knew what jam is! I like my preserves to have real chunks of fruit in so Jam it is :)
Marie, on 01/05/2012
Fruity Preserve Filled Heart Sugar Cookies
Yum, these heart cookies look so good..... Actually to me (in the US) jam is jelly with pieces in it, so jelly and jam are similar.
dustytoes, on 01/05/2012
Free Heart SVG Files for Craft Cutters
Thanks for the free cutter files. I use a craft robo cutter. I do make up my own designs but haven't got round to hearts yet!
Marie, on 01/05/2012
What State Has The Most Lakes?
How many of the lakes can we get to, to hike, fish, camp or just gaze at the beauty of? and I was actually surprised not to see Oregon on that list. by the way the artical was very amusing :-)
jrabbit, on 01/05/2012
Fruity Preserve Filled Heart Sugar Cookies
Thank you :) I didn't know jam was jelly in the US! I did know that UK jelly was jello but thought jam was jam! Will have to add that in otherwise am going to have confused readers. Thanks for visiting.
Marie, on 01/05/2012
The Real Meaning of Mary, Mary Quite Contrary
It's just one interpretation of many. The rhyme also has some variations of the last line: "Sing cuckolds all in a row." or "Cowslips all in a row " or "Marigolds all in a row" None of them ...
Anthony, on 01/05/2012
How To Polish Stones: Tumbling Rocks
What a fascinating article! So far I bought all my stones already polished but that really tempts me to try out to tumble my own. Oh, and a little cheating trick I use sometimes. If you find some nice stones, rocks, pebbles on the beach or in ...
Sam, on 01/05/2012
Heart of The Ocean Necklace
Beautiful choices of Heart of the Ocean jewellery to put a gleam in any Valentine's eye :)
SquidRich, on 01/05/2012
Heart Shaped Cookie Cutters
Thanks Jimmie. I think I have a bit of a shaped cookie cutter obsession! I have a huge collection and they get used for lots of things. My kids would love heart shaped sandwiches in their lunchbox on Valentine's day.
TerriRexson, on 01/05/2012

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