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Passive Income Business Ideas
Its more delayed gratification income I think! Thanks for commenting Jimmie!
Lissie, on 01/04/2012

Be SMART about your goals
What a great page! You are so right about setting a time limit. I can do so much more when I know I've got limited time. I love your whole paragraph under the title "Attainable". Expand, learn and grow to match your goals... Yes! I practice ...
dustytoes, on 01/04/2012

Summer vacation plans
Its one of the things I find incomprehensible about England and Ireland - my Irish sister in law will book a summer holiday in the next few weeks too! If I manage to book a flight a few months out that's very early for me - the accommodation I ...
Lissie, on 01/04/2012

Cynthia Rylant: Children's Book Summaries and Video Reviews
I am familiar with the Henry and Mudge books, but not the others and they look beautiful. I grew up in the country and would have appreciated her story of living on the mountain. Working in the school system introduced me to many books, but I ...
dustytoes, on 01/04/2012

Cynthia Rylant: Children's Book Summaries and Video Reviews
I admit I'd never heard of Cynthia Rylant so thanks for writing about her books.
Marie, on 01/04/2012

Ringworm - How You Get It and What to Do About It
Thanks samson1. My daughter had a nasty battle with ringworm as a child after wearing a cousin,s coat. We thought the other child had impetigo. It was only after our doctor said my daughter had ringworm that I learned to recognize the ...
bayouladyJDKimball, on 01/04/2012

Be SMART about your goals
Goals are so important if you want to get anything done. Thanks for the practical advice.
sheilamarie, on 01/04/2012

Starting a Pet Sitting Business
very interesting - I would love to have a pet sitter in this area.
annieangel, on 01/04/2012

Crossloop: A Lifesaver for Remotely Troubleshooting Granny's Computer
Sorry, been away for a few days, but back now. :)
Sheilamarie - Thanks! And I have to agree with you on the usefulness of Crossloop. It's saved me several times.
FuturisticWriter - You're welcome. I hope it helps you as much as it helped me! ...
JoHarrington, on 01/04/2012

Rhinestone and Crystal Supplies for Home, Office or School
I love myself some BLING and had my eye on some of these things at my local stores while xmas shopping. Love the Mouse Bling the bestest !!
ThePartyAnimal, on 01/04/2012

Hello Kitty Kitchen Supplies
I have loved Hello Kitty ever since I was a child. I am totally crushing on that Hello Kitty Toaster - I would love one of those.
ThePartyAnimal, on 01/04/2012

Unique Puzzleballs
While I love a good puzzle these look like too much work for me, but I bet the kids LOVE them. Who would have though you can make a round puzzle - the things they come out with blow my mind.
ThePartyAnimal, on 01/04/2012

Butterfly Cakes and Cupcakes
I love butterflies. My daughters very 1st Birthday Cake was a Butterfly.
ThePartyAnimal, on 01/04/2012

Race Car Cakes and Cupcakes
Vrooom Vrooom !!! A little boys dream party !!
ThePartyAnimal, on 01/04/2012

The Best Radio Control Helicopter
My hubby and kids love these - funny u have this up my son just bought one 2 days ago, but his cost $120 bucks and my hubby is doing his own write on on it on his blog.
We have had so many of these in our home over the years, but they cannot get ...
ThePartyAnimal, on 01/04/2012