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The Evil Eye
alfredandvincent - thanks for commenting. I believe it affects the way we interact with people a lot. Or the reason we don't interact with people.
Angel, on 12/22/2011
The Evil Eye
Jimmie - I think I am with you on that. I just did not realize how serious many cultures take this though. Thanks for reading and commenting.
Angel, on 12/22/2011
Monopoly Deal Strategy
Do you play thru the entire deck before ending the game. We are 2 players so we have been stopping at whomever gets 3 full sets of properties but when we do that the money and rent doesn't ...
Coach Girl, on 12/22/2011
What will 2011 go down in history for?
Thanks Pink. We need some good news now :)
ethelsmith, on 12/22/2011
What Is Kindle?
Thanks Sam... hmmmm, maybe I should talk to Amazon. lol
nightbear, on 12/22/2011
What will 2011 go down in history for?
Yes we sure did have a lot of natural disasters in 2011 didn't we? I guess I didn't realize how much had happened in 2011 but you're right. Wonderful article here!
Pinkchic18, on 12/22/2011
Are You Looking for Traffic or Sales?
Interesting, I never thought of it this way. Thanks
perms, on 12/22/2011
Christmas Tree – Real or Artificial?
I love both but for years now have had an artificial tree. Still looks the biz
ethelsmith, on 12/22/2011
Interesting.I love gardening but this one is new on me
ethelsmith, on 12/22/2011
"You Say Tomato, I Say Tomahto..."
There is a lot of pressure to be happy at christmas these days. In the UK we do not of course call it the holidays, so Merry Christmas Sam
ethelsmith, on 12/22/2011
What will 2011 go down in history for?
And to you and yours Sam. I am hoping this was the worst case scenario and things will look up. Like you though i think we should prepare for the worst, just in case :( Happy Christmas and best wishes for 2012 and beyond
ethelsmith, on 12/22/2011
What will 2011 go down in history for?
Very good read, I think you've covered the year's events very well. Much has happened and it appears things will continue with uncertainty for a while. As to will 2012 bring the end, all I can say is we should all be ready, just in case it ...
samsons1, on 12/22/2011
Last Minute Christmas Gifts With Free Shipping
I always get an Amazon voucher from my husband which is delivered by email to me on Christmas morning :) Love technology - and it's ready for me to spend in the post-Christmas sales!
Marie, on 12/22/2011
Arch Support Slippers - Comfortable Slippers for Relaxing at Home
My mom wears slippers with arch support and she swears by how comfy they are.
Marie, on 12/22/2011
What is Panini? Use Panini Makers to Create Rustic Italian Sandwiches
I didn't know you could get a panini grill maker and I like the idea, especially as I do make homemade bread. Mmm, looks like a nice winter treat.
Marie, on 12/22/2011

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