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Wizzley HTML Borders and Backgrounds
@Jimmie, thank you for bookmarking... This is my first page here at Wizzley, so I'm still learning and exploring the platform. Yes, I hope some people will find it useful. Rich texts and and nice appearance some times is a good match for many ...
almirah, on 12/17/2011
Wizzley HTML Borders and Backgrounds
I've tried hard not to get involved in HTML tricks here at Wizzley. It's easy to go overboard and get too fancy. I'm sticking with simple. But with that said, there may be times when some of your pretty borders are just what is needed to draw ...
Jimmie, on 12/16/2011
How to Write an Essay
Writing is my favorite thing to teach. It's so rewarding! Challenging, for sure, but very rewarding when that final draft is a masterpiece.
Jimmie, on 12/16/2011
How I Use My Kindle
Very helpful info for Kindle reading people. One day maybe I'll have one!
dustytoes, on 12/16/2011
Buy Fresh Produce at the Local Farmers Market
Mmh...local foods - the best! :)
chefkeem, on 12/16/2011
Book Gifts for Kids
I think books are great gifts for kids! Most kids like books, especially if you find one about a subject they're interested in.
sheilamarie, on 12/16/2011
Helping the Homeless for the Holidays?
Wonderful article Kylyssa. I like to take my kids down to the homeless shelter a couple of times a year. It is good for them and we get to help out. I have however come across a problem in my part of the world as the holiday season draws near. ...
thepurpleturtle, on 12/16/2011
Wizzley Banners
Very cool Wizzley banners. These banners seem to be a little more conveniently sized for my other websites and blogs. Thanks for posting them Nightowl!
thepurpleturtle, on 12/16/2011
Leader vs Manager: Myths and Misconceptions
This is a wonderful article about Leaders vs managers. I was the manager of a restaurant a few years ago and all upper management wanted to do was tell me to be more of a leader.(confusing) However, they never did give me any instructions, tip, ...
thepurpleturtle, on 12/16/2011
Flower Salt and Pepper Shakers
Digby, this is a very interesting article on flower salt and pepper shakers. I had no idea that they made so many impressive looking shakers! If this page just consisted of the above pictures I would have assumed that they where just blown glass ...
thepurpleturtle, on 12/16/2011
Do You Live In A Dented Bucket?
Thank you, very glad you enjoyed my meanderings! :)
SidewalkPhilosopher, on 12/16/2011
An Extraordinary Friend
Thank you, Michaela...I am so glad you enjoyed hearing about Jane. She was a very special lady. I will never forget her sweet, forgiving nature.
SidewalkPhilosopher, on 12/16/2011
Kids Ornaments for the Christmas Tree
Yes, Jimmie, laughing helps bring us into the Christmas spirit!
I think my guitar-playing sons and nephews would enjoy those guitar ornaments, too, Kinworm.
sheilamarie, on 12/16/2011
Halleluia Chorus
I'm glad you enjoyed the video. I have since discovered that the fifth grade students worked on making this video as a project. Quite a successful project, I'd say.
sheilamarie, on 12/16/2011
Best Gifts for a 4 Year Old Boy
A Learning Game System, probably a Leap Pad.
Karmen, on 12/16/2011