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Gourmet Vegan Chocolate - Truffles, Peanut Butter Cups and Bars
Mmm, these vegan chocolates look delicious! My sister is a vegan so I'm always looking for things she can eat and enjoy.
Marie, on 12/21/2011
How to Create Quality Comments on Wizzley
Very interesting and important article. I find it incredible how much insightful and relevant comments can add to an article - and turn in into lively discussion and dialogue. Also, it is so much easier for the article writer to reply to ...
Michaela, on 12/21/2011
Regret: A Poem from The Divorce Chronicles
I'm glad you enjoyed my sad poem. Thanks for stopping by Anna.
cgreen7090, on 12/21/2011
The Grinch Gift Exchange Game at Christmas
Thanks Jimmie - I know. I can't wait to play this year. I think I will do a couple of gag gifts since you mentioned it. It will be fun.
Angel, on 12/21/2011
Outdoorsman Gift Ideas
Outdoor gifts are great ideas but when you play outdoors you should know how to survive an emergency so I say survival gifts are the best it gives you peace of mind and just may save their ...
Timo, on 12/20/2011
Why a Blogger Should Write a Blog Series
I love a good blog series. I recently restarted the "Community Fridays" feature on my writer's blog, in which I interview writers, editors, and others from the writing world. It's a great way to get some really interesting material, and also ...
emmalarkins, on 12/20/2011
Writing for The Web
nicely written - great information here for us all. thanks
Annie, on 12/20/2011
Best Female Anime Characters - Top 20
Diddy Kong, on 12/20/2011
The Grinch Gift Exchange Game at Christmas
Always a fun game! We call this Dirty Santa. Adding a few gag gifts to the mix makes it even more hilarious. The last time we played, my husband and I ended up with Starbucks and Papa John's gift cards. Score!
Jimmie, on 12/20/2011
iPhone Gloves - Texting Gloves That Work
Hey, there. I saw this on SocialAdr. I actually get your updates at home. So how are you liking SocialAdr and Wizzley is new to me, as well. And I was just thinking this morning that someone ...
ChrisCD, on 12/20/2011
Bring Me Sunshine
I'm glad you enjoyed them, DrDarko! Thanks for your comment.
sheilamarie, on 12/20/2011
Bring Me Sunshine
Thank you so much for these clips SheilaMarie. They certainly made me smile. Every smile is precious and you are definitely right, we need to feel gratitude for those little things...
DrDarko, on 12/20/2011
Jo Harrington: A Crazy Diamond Trying to Shine
Thank you very much. I only started freelance at the beginning of August. I feel like I've aged three years in that time, with all of the things that I've had to learn in the interim. :D Thanks as well for all of your kind advise on the forums. ...
JoHarrington, on 12/20/2011
Jo Harrington: A Crazy Diamond Trying to Shine
Welcome to Wizzley. I've been amazed that you can actually make money writing online! It's much more fun than a conventional job.
TerriRexson, on 12/20/2011
Christmas Tree – Real or Artificial?
And then there are the environmental considerations.. A real tree comes from a tree farm that is a mono-culture crop that often leaves the earth a barren wasteland if the farm shuts down. On the ...
MichaelAnschel, on 12/20/2011

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