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Go Ahead I Dare Ya-Eat More Fat
I totally agree with you and this way of eating! I absolutely reuse my bacon drippings. They make fantastic stir fried veggies! I try my best to stay clear of anything man-made or extruded from a machine.
Jimmie, on 12/20/2011

How to Maximize a Blog Series
Dusty, did you read the other article about blog series? It's linked in the intro and again at the end. I think it would help to read the other one first. I will make that clearer in my intro. Thank you!
If you have specific questions, I will ...
Jimmie, on 12/20/2011

Upstairs Downstairs
Yes, definetely. I bought the series about a month ago and am now watching two episodes a day
mivvy, on 12/20/2011

Best Baby Snowsuits
I agree with potpiegirl. Kids look so cute in snowsuits. I live in the South where this kind of clothing is totally unnecessary, but when I lived in China, we would see kids all bundled, looking like little fat roly polies. :-)
Jimmie, on 12/20/2011

On-page SEO tips for Wizzley
Fantastic advice. I never worry much about the outbound links, but I do use the title and subtitle fields to my advantage. That is an important place to use your key words. Congrats on Editor's Choice. I was thinking that it deserved it as I was ...
Jimmie, on 12/20/2011

How to Maximize a Blog Series
This sounds like a great idea if you have people to do it with. I admit I'm not sure I totally understand it, but I can see how it would drive good traffic to your sites.
dustytoes, on 12/20/2011

Hiring a Snow Plow Service or Buying a Snow Blower
I looked into getting a small snow blower since my new driveway is not very long. I also thought that my son and I could just shovel it. But who wants to shovel 2 feet of snow? - which is what we got dumped on us the end of October this year - ...
dustytoes, on 12/20/2011

Repurposing a Christmas Jumper into a Gift Bag
Great tip. I have a hard time throwing things away - they have to be re-used in another project or at least given to charity. Great to make your own gift bags at this time of year too.
Marie, on 12/20/2011

Romantic Valentine's Gifts for Girl Geeks
Oh I'm loving that Yoda plushie! If someone bought that for me I'd be delighted - how cute.
Marie, on 12/20/2011

Wizzley HTML Borders and Backgrounds
@emeraldine: the technique is just similar. The code will apply to all the texts as long as they are before </p>. Make sure to check with in your html mode text editor
almirah, on 12/20/2011

Wizzley HTML Borders and Backgrounds
How would you add a border on Wizzley if you wanted the entire border to cover two or more paragraphs. I find each paragraph has to have a separate border. Can you share any tricks?
emeraldmile, on 12/20/2011

5 Easy Gourmet Hot Chocolate Recipes
That's one of my favorites too Alex. Thanks for stopping by! :)
love4randomness, on 12/20/2011

Laundry Tips for Keeping Brights Bright and Whites White
My friend and I started a wash and fold laundry service from our homes. We found Borax (which is actually pretty cheap) is an age old trick to brighten whites. Good tips...very ...
Amanda, on 12/19/2011

Leader vs Manager: Myths and Misconceptions
Really interesting way to look at this. And I love that you put it into a context we could all identify with. Leader vs manager is not always an easy concept. Excellent writing. Thank you. And congratulations on your award.
nightbear, on 12/19/2011

Flavored Oils - For Candy Recipes And Much More
Hi Brittany,
click on my LorAnn Amazon ads above. That will take you to the LorAnn product page on Amazon, where you can browse through all flavors. They do have a variety of chocolate flavors in their program.
Good luck,
Chef Keem :)
chefkeem, on 12/19/2011