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What NOT to write in your online profile
Yes, yes, a thousand times yes. Please strike guru from your vocabulary when speaking about yourself. And I agree. Whenever someone starts telling me what he is, my radar goes up. If you ARE that, it will be evident and you won't need to say it ...
Jimmie, on 11/03/2011
A Cupcake Christmas Tree
No you're talking my language Jimmie! These are delicious looking. I love the decorations and glitter of cupcake ornaments. I've never seen mini cupcake ornaments. I'll have to keep my eyes open.
Digby_Adams, on 11/03/2011
Bacon and Chocolate Gourmet Candy Stocking Stuffers
For some reason these two ingredients work!
Nice selection of items to give and receive!.mmm
Guest, on 11/03/2011
How to Support Your Husband Through a Season of Unemployment
Succinct and useful. Unemployment is never easy, and it's good to find a workable solution instead of just sticking your head in the sand!
emmalarkins, on 11/03/2011
Cool Birthday Gifts for Guys
I agree! I've always found it easier to buy for women, but maybe that's just because I am one :)
emmalarkins, on 11/03/2011
Using Project Wonderful Ads
I had not heard of Project Wonderful and it is good to be reminded that not all on-page advertising need start and end with Adsense.
AJ, on 11/03/2011
Cool Birthday Gifts for Guys
Great gifts for guys. Hubby's birthday is just tomorrow and trust me, I always dread the days before because buying for him a gift is just so darn difficult. Us girls have it so much easier with gifts. A piece of jewelry, some nice dress, ...
marciag, on 11/03/2011
Christmas Centerpieces that Children Can Make
This page of ideas will certainly keep the youngsters occupied in what seems like an interminable time for them, between when school finishes and it is Christmas Day!
AJ, on 11/03/2011
Christmas Centerpieces that Children Can Make
Great ideas for all ages to add to the holiday decorations.
PeggyHazelwood, on 11/03/2011
What NOT to write in your online profile
Hmm, this is a hard one. I think keeping it simple and not too flowery is best.
emmalarkins, on 11/03/2011
Meaning Of Eye Colors
Great article - being blue eyed I know I am the best!) No I have 4 children 2 blue 2 brow eyed; my wife brown eyed. I think it is just a random mix of dna.
Eric Pinola, on 11/03/2011
Robin s Nest - A Backyard Adventure
Yes, robins nest regularly in our garden and there's always one to be found out there all year round. We often have an anxious few days when the babies fledge, because we have to keep an eye on our dog to make sure there's no tragedies.
Lovely ...
AJ, on 11/03/2011
Favorite Christmas Movies
Nice collection! One that immediately comes to mind is Sound of Music which is not a Christmas movie really, but always nice to watch around the holiday time.
Bhavesh, on 11/03/2011
Favorite Christmas Movies
Wonderful idea, there are many others also...
samsons1, on 11/03/2011
Christmas Centerpieces that Children Can Make
I like this and it gives the little ones something creative to do to help...
samsons1, on 11/03/2011