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Easy Fruit Pizza Recipe
Fruit pizza. I wonder what the Italians in my family would have to say about that!
tokyonights7, on 11/05/2011
Favorite Christmas Movies
I am the female version of Peter Pan in that my favourite movies are still The Muppet Christmas Carol and Christmas Eve on Sesame Street. By the way, thanks for introducing me to Wizzley! Heather
tokyonights7, on 11/05/2011
Wood Advent Calendar
Hello from a fellow Squid! Yours is the first Wizzley page I've checked out so far, and I am highly impressed. Advent calendars are a big part of our family tradition, though we tend to either make them on our own, or use the traditional hanging ...
tokyonights7, on 11/05/2011
Macro Photography
You've taken some beautiful shots here. I know my dad would enjoy these as he is an avid wildlife photographer.
tokyonights7, on 11/05/2011
Teapot Art Illustrations
Well, these are just beautiful. And certainly these teapot art illustrations are not just for the kitchen. I really enjoyed learning about them. thank you.
nightbear, on 11/05/2011
What is a Long Tail phrase and how do I use them on my website?
A good perspective on the mystery that's SEO.
Bhavesh, on 11/05/2011
25 New Year’s Resolutions That Are Easy To Keep
ugh! see - these were supposed to be easy ones to follow-thru on.... I crack myself up, so only laughing at my jokes when appropriate would be tough and those darn tomatoes taste terrible in the winter! ;(
writingmadwoman, on 11/05/2011
25 New Year’s Resolutions That Are Easy To Keep
How about: I will only laugh at my own jokes when I'm either alone or with people. I will sometimes sweep the floor underneath the chairs and tables. I will wear my gum boots when it rains even if they do not look cool. (There's that word again ...
sheilamarie, on 11/05/2011
Christmas Jigsaw Puzzles
It's a great idea to have some family pastimes available for the family to do together. There are so many great Christmas puzzles available. I like the ones you have shown here.
sheilamarie, on 11/05/2011
Vintage Style Christmas Cards
These cards are lovely, Lou. I'd love to receive cards like these.
sheilamarie, on 11/04/2011
Teapot Art Illustrations
Yes I did enjoy your teapot artwork. They would look perfect in my kitchen. If it was finished. As soon as we get the walls finished I have to find posters and pictures like this. For now I'll just have to sing, "I'm a little teapot" as I cook.
Digby_Adams, on 11/04/2011
Earning Money Online - How's it going?
I've just started, and I love how flexible Wizzley is about how you create a page (compared to hubpages at least). Was interested to read your comment about amazon conversions - the amazon module is perhaps my only criticism - the links look ...
Rose, on 11/04/2011
My first steps to learn to Write Articles and Market with Wizzley
I like babysteps. I remember my babies' first step and now they run faster than I do. Best wishes for you.
Yeirl, on 11/04/2011
Favorite Christmas Movies
Dare I say that I avoid Christmas movies like the plague? The only one that I usually watch is one called The Ref :)
SquidRich, on 11/04/2011
FreeAdLists Vs. Craigslist
I use Craigslist just once and I noticed the spam, I was disappointed with the luck of security and stopped using it! Never used freeadlists, so I cannot comment, but you encourage me to try. Thanks
Michey, on 11/04/2011

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