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Which is the most popular brand of Color Pencils?
Very enticing page!. Love it. Love the idea. I don't know enough to participate in the poll, but beautiful page!
cgreen7090, on 10/17/2011
After 30 Years, I'm Sketching Again!
You have a wonderful gift. I enjoyed looking at your sketches. It is great therapy to be creative!
cgreen7090, on 10/17/2011
I Love My Dish Drying Mat
There are always things left over that have to be dried on the side. A cloth that really absorbs all the water is perfect!
Mujjen, on 10/17/2011
Old Wives Tales in my house
Great idea for an article - and really interesting information - isn't it incredible how powerful old wives' tales can be!
lifeboost, on 10/17/2011
Why Isn't Anyone Clicking The Google +1 Button?
Ah... I've been wondering what that button was about! Thanks for sharing the information! :)
lifeboost, on 10/17/2011
Glamping - Luxury Camping
Yes, I'm definitely a Glamping person :)
lifeboost, on 10/17/2011
Heated Cat Beds for Comfort and Therapy
Thanks hamshi5433. I actually have 26 cats. I have seven inside and 19 ferals outside, but they have their own screened in porches to stay in. I only use the heated beds for the indoor cats, for obvious reasons. They make outdoor heated beds, ...
catgypsy, on 10/17/2011
Heated Cat Beds for Comfort and Therapy
lifeboost, thanks for the comment. They do make great gifts...I'm actually hoping my brother will get me another one for Christmas!
catgypsy, on 10/17/2011
My Zazzle Success Story
Thank you so much for this heart-warming memoir and sharing your faith walk with us. In these uncertain times, it is wonderful to hear of your success. Your children must be so proud of you. With Google updates, Panda, and SERP changes all ...
Digby_Adams, on 10/16/2011
After 30 Years, I'm Sketching Again!
Beautiful sketches! I can't draw very well but I have a feeling that with some instructions, I probably could. This lens is helpful with its resources.
Bhavesh, on 10/16/2011
Newly Single, Now What?
Thank YOU for stopping by.
cgreen7090, on 10/16/2011
An Extraordinary Friend
Thanks you, glad you liked it!! I will!!! :)
SidewalkPhilosopher, on 10/16/2011
An Extraordinary Friend
Jeanie, This poem is beautiful! Keep on writing! Patsy
Patsy Bowie, on 10/16/2011
About Quinoa: How to Grow and Cook Quinoa Recipes
I just put quinoa in my salads but you open here a new world for me. Very useful recipes and post. Regards
Michey, on 10/16/2011
Ideas for Stocking Stuffers
Some great ideas for stocking stuffers - you're so right about flashlights making great stocking stuffers and the great thing is that you can get fun flashlights for everyone in the family as well :)
lou16, on 10/16/2011

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