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Old Wives Tales in my house
Thank you ladies for your lovely comments..enjoyed reading them.
Michey: I love the grandma sleep stories too!
Catgypsy: LOL tomatoes poisonous? oh my oh my..yeah some are true others are just err like the tomatoes being poisonous! :|
hamshi5433, on 10/16/2011
Old Wives Tales in my house
I really love the "old" ways, it is always something to learn from them... and they reflect good old times... which was needed to get where we are today.
I didn't get text messages, and laptops when I was born, but I had night sleep stories ...
Michey, on 10/16/2011
Our Favorite Strategy Board Games
Hi lifeboost, I'll have to check out the two games you mentioned: Grand National and Cashflow! Thanks for your comment.
kajohu, on 10/16/2011
Heated Cat Beds for Comfort and Therapy
What a great idea! I didn't know these existed! I'm thinking it'll make a great Christmas gift for my sister's kitten - I couldn't think of what to get for her that would be different. Thanks for the idea! :)
lifeboost, on 10/16/2011
Old Wives Tales in my house
This is so interesting and funny! My grandmother believed that the little strings that come off the banana were poisonous and would not let my mom or her sister eat bananas. My mom made up for it later in life...she loved bananas! Her uncle ...
catgypsy, on 10/16/2011
Writing Quality Articles on Wizzley (and beyond)
Thanks so much for this - I'm new to Wizzley and because I was really excited, I got carried away and published my first article within a couple of hours of joining - but now I'm having a read through all the information here, I'm going to go ...
lifeboost, on 10/16/2011
Dr Seuss Wall Stickers
Great idea! I hadn't seen these before, and although I read "The Cat in the Hat" when I was a child, I hadn't read much else of Dr. Seuss - and I certainly hadn't hear these brilliant quotes - really good messages for a child's wall! :)
lifeboost, on 10/16/2011
Our Favorite Strategy Board Games
Great idea for an article! I hadn't heard of any of these games before - I particularly like the sound of "Power Grid" and "Pandemic". My two favourite board games so far are "Grand National" and "Cashflow". Thanks for the introduction to these ...
lifeboost, on 10/16/2011
Top 5 Body Weight Exercises for Muscle Mass
Great info! Must get back to the gym... :)
lifeboost, on 10/16/2011
Lego Advent Calendars
These look cool. Wish they were around when I was a kid.
nickupton, on 10/16/2011
How to Hold an Apron Parade
Love this! I have my mama's aprons in the cedar chest. Maybe I'll get them out and use them.
cgreen7090, on 10/16/2011
Fiona the Theater Mouse
Such a cute story. I'll tell on myself and admit I read children's books from time to time. Fiona sounds like a good one.
Holistic_Health, on 10/15/2011
Newly Single, Now What?
Thanks for stopping by and commenting!
cgreen7090, on 10/15/2011
Internet Writing - What Are Keywords?
"It's not about me!" Yup! I am finding it out the hard way and learning everything I can about keywords, including this article! Great article that hopefully cause a a Flip for many readers.
Bhavesh, on 10/15/2011
Wizzley Banners
I can certainly use these on my blog and other social sites. Thanks!
Bhavesh, on 10/15/2011