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Newly Single, Now What?
Thank you for this helpful article full of practical advice for the newly-divorced. *
chefkeem, on 10/15/2011
What Is Gua Sha?
Yeah, I use the tennis balls in a sock trick too. Thanks for commenting :)
Holistic_Health, on 10/15/2011
Lavender Oil Uses
I have the oil, but have enjoyed using sachets with the flower buds too...nice and soothing on the pillow at night.
happynutritionist, on 10/15/2011
Tea Tree Oil Uses
I love, love love tea tree oil and have had it around the house for many things for years. I put a dropper in a bottle that I keep on the bathroom sink and put a drop on the toothbrush occasionally before brushing my teeth. My husband uses it ...
happynutritionist, on 10/15/2011
What Is Gua Sha?
Very unusual...I've never heard of this, thanks for teaching me something new. I tend to massage sore and tender spots and if I can't reach them, like on my back, a tennis ball or two is my favorite thing to use. Always have one nearby where I ...
happynutritionist, on 10/15/2011
About Quinoa: How to Grow and Cook Quinoa Recipes
Thanks kajohu and tssfacts, I hope you do give Quinoa a try again or for the first time. It's unique and good when cooked just right.
happynutritionist, on 10/15/2011
Fireflies in Our Backyard on a Summer Evening
We have many fireflies where I live during the early months of summer. Catching jars full of them and keeping them for a night in their bedrooms was a fun thing when my children were young. Then we let them go the next morning.
happynutritionist, on 10/15/2011
Pretty in Pink: Think of the Girls
Thanks for visiting!
cgreen7090, on 10/15/2011
Things to Do with Your Kids in the Smoky Mountains of Tennessee
Especially when the leaves are changing like they are right now.
Cindy, on 10/15/2011
An Extraordinary Friend
Thank you, Clara...and you are right. So few people really care for each other anymore so to have someone in Jane's walk of life concerned for us was very special to me indeed.
SidewalkPhilosopher, on 10/15/2011
An Extraordinary Friend
True friends are few and far between - a beautiful tribute.
Holistic_Health, on 10/15/2011
How to Hold an Apron Parade
Aprons are becoming quite the fashion accessory.
Holistic_Health, on 10/15/2011
Best gifts for herb lovers
As an herb lover, I would love any of these as a gift.
Holistic_Health, on 10/15/2011
About Quinoa: How to Grow and Cook Quinoa Recipes
I had forgotten about quinoa -- it's been a few years since I bought and cooked it. I remember enjoying it though. I'll check out some of the recipes that you provide a link to, and try it out again soon.
kajohu, on 10/15/2011
Tea Tree Oil Uses
Amazing stuff! I'll have to get a bottle.
sheilamarie, on 10/15/2011