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New Product Launch 1
Take your time and use it at the proper moment. Affiliate marketing is one if my niche so I'll continue to write about it
Michey, on 09/14/2011
My Spiritual Journey through Works of Art
The prayers of the righteous are powerful and effective! That is the verse that comes to me when reading this, and don't know where the scripture is found off the top of my head, but you are very fortunate to have had loving people pray for you ...
dustytoes, on 09/14/2011
Zucchini Bread
I've never made zucchini bread, but have eaten it and it's always so good. I plan to grow my own zucchini next year and will definitely try this recipe - it sounds simple enough. Whenever I use wheat flour I use just it as a partial substitute ...
dustytoes, on 09/14/2011
How to Use Facebook for Business
Thanks for this. A little too early for me at the moment ~ I have bookmarked for later for easy reference. My learning curve is still new. TYVM
Ralpapajan, on 09/14/2011
New Product Launch 1
This is good but too early for me in my Journey to marketing success. I have bookmarked for later. TYVM
Ralpapajan, on 09/14/2011
How to Set Up a Link Wheel
Phew. Went over my head. I have bookmarked this one for later on when I know more. TYVM
Ralpapajan, on 09/14/2011
Three Things Tabatha Coffey Can Teach You About Making Money Online
Actually makes my blood run cold. If I felt I had to be like her i would give up the dream of making a living on the net or in business. A great article and well written by someone who knows their subject. TYVM,
Ralpapajan, on 09/14/2011
Will I Be Able To Retire?
Another Wizzley knowledge base.
Ralpapajan, on 09/14/2011
So, you want to build a freelance internet marketing business?
Thanks Chef! I am currently writing an article about my own endeavours on Wizzley. You are one of the inspirations who helped me, TYVM.
Ralpapajan, on 09/14/2011
Four Easy Science Experiments with Vinegar
I love this kind of stuff! Great article!
sheilamarie, on 09/14/2011
How to Skip Buying Groceries for a Week
Well written article, and I like how you suggest making it into a game. We do have empty our pantry weeks every once in a while to get rid of stuff we have had for a while.
lakeerieartists, on 09/13/2011
My Spiritual Journey through Works of Art
Thank you so much Michey and Barb, I'm glad you enjoyed your visit and reading about my faith. It's life to me:-)
happynutritionist, on 09/13/2011
My Spiritual Journey through Works of Art
Very nice post, I hear daily Mom still praying for me, so I enjoy reading about your faith, believes, and values. All the best
Michey, on 09/13/2011
Pocket Poems
Thanks for your comments. These books are so small, they can be slipped into the busiest of lives.
sheilamarie, on 09/13/2011
Ant Farms: Observing Insects at Work
Funny, Barbara! But only some ants bite. When you purchase an ant farm, it comes with a certificate you send away for a queen ant. I don't think the ant they send you is the kind that bites. Once she lays her eggs and begins the colony, you get ...
sheilamarie, on 09/13/2011

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