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Wedding Christmas Ornaments
Nice article :-) I attended a wedding last year in December, around the time people started to be in a Christmas mood. It was a lovely and I really enjoyed it
Marylol, on 09/15/2011
Halloween Cupcake Wrappers & Halloween Cupcake Picks
I think the Halloween cupcakes are a fantastic idea. I made them last year and kids loved them ^_^
Marylol, on 09/15/2011
National Geographic Photography
Bill's favorite for years!!
SidewalkPhilosopher, on 09/15/2011
Evernote on Kindle
I'm still learning the things a Kindle can do. Thanks for this!
Holistic_Health, on 09/14/2011
Easy link building with blog comments
This is a good idea. How do you place your link in the comment?
Mujjen, on 09/14/2011
How to Set Up a Link Wheel
Very interesting page. I have been doing link-wheels for some time now, but it is hard work!
Mujjen, on 09/14/2011
How to Make Eggnog with a Dutch Twist
Oh this does look so good! Since I love egg nog around the holidays I will try this for sure..:-)
Guest, on 09/14/2011
Hurricane Results in New Interstate Exit
Looks like a daunting task just getting around. I watched the old wooden covered bridge(s) being washed away on the news and my heart sank.. I hope this is the last of it.
Guest, on 09/14/2011
Morning sickness and heartburn during pregnancy
You have told a lot of good advices and facts. Well done!
irenemaria, on 09/14/2011
My first steps to learn to Write Articles and Market with Wizzley
Like you, I have been taking baby steps. I look forward to the day it looks like I'm getting somewhere. $33.33 a day sounds pretty darn good from here. Good luck on the journey.
sheilamarie, on 09/14/2011
Creating Bookmarks at Zazzle
I like this idea, sounds pretty good.
Tony Payne, on 09/14/2011
Coconut Water
wow wish we had young coconuts like you guys have in Australia!! I havent seen vita cola or ever drank cocnut water/but will be looking for it now! as for fair trade, as with coffee and handmade items, given a choice it is always better to ...
barbarab, on 09/14/2011
Fracking: An Environmental Disaster
this is terrible and I agree with Grace (well, I usually do :) but still) it is a matter of greed and the result will be "all will be punished" I fear, if something isnt done in our time
barbarab, on 09/14/2011
Energy Saving Outlet
very good info!
barbarab, on 09/14/2011
Savings Account Without Initial Deposit – What to Consider
my bank takes a few cents out of the checking and puts it into my savings but I end up transferring it back to checking before the next pay day :( very good if only this recession would turn around eh?
barbarab, on 09/14/2011

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