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Canon T3i Rebel Best Price Ever
FABULOUS PICS! I just know you'll be having a wonderful time playing/working with your new camera!
Deb, on 08/16/2011

Where to Buy Area Rugs in Rock Hill, SC
Joan, you always floor me with your excellent recommendations! :)
chefkeem, on 08/16/2011

Where to Buy Area Rugs in Rock Hill, SC
Area rugs are a great choice! I love them and have several in my house.
Dianne, on 08/16/2011

Is the Bite of a Centipede Dangerous? Does a Centipede Bite?
good morning Peggy!! I know!!
let them stay outside right ??? !!
having been in the south for/lets just say too long cough/I still buy the insecticide from wmart and I use it!!! y
es!! I admit it!!!
well where else did the DDT question ...
barbarab, on 08/16/2011

Writing For Money and Quality
this is the writing experience everyone should know.
manhole, on 08/16/2011

Working From Home is My Dream Come True
I have started pursuing my dream job see*
manhole, on 08/16/2011

How to Find a Homeschool Mentor
This is great advice for home schooling moms.
ohcaroline, on 08/16/2011

Have a Lucy Theme Party, 50s era dress, music and fun for all ages!
Oh that candy-wrapping episode is probably my favorite - or the one where Lucy and Ethel are stomping grapes. I never thought about a Lucy party - gotta send this to our daughter! Fun read and great ideas!
petunia, on 08/16/2011

Is the Bite of a Centipede Dangerous? Does a Centipede Bite?
I too live in the desert and am getting used to (sort of) the critters here. I don't mind any of them OUTSIDE; in my house is another matter. Yuck. Good luck to you!
PeggyHazelwood, on 08/16/2011

Setting Up a Wordpress Niche Website to Sell Zazzle Products (and Related Products)
Excellent information on how to add products to a Wordpress website - thank you so much for sharing!!
Crystal, on 08/15/2011

Setting Up Wordpress
@sheilamarie Hi! this is a great news, new blog is always a new beginning, today I was thinking to add a link module here with all my WP posts, just to have all in one place. I'll do it after dinner.
About the woods, in some days when is crazy ...
Michey, on 08/15/2011

Setting Up Wordpress
Ha! Michey, I live in the forest and have a satellite dish, so it's doable if you wander into the woods and want to set up your laptop.
I have a new Wordpress blog and so am trying to absorb as much information as is possible. Thanks for sharing.
sheilamarie, on 08/15/2011

My Zazzle Success Story
nice story pam, good luck
manail, on 08/15/2011

Is the Bite of a Centipede Dangerous? Does a Centipede Bite?
hello T Harmon, kajohu and mivvy!!! :) it was totally horrible so the only way I could deal with it was to laugh!! then when I read they eat bedbugs!!!! I was so checking out the bed linens before I went to bed!!! and fast!! man that thing ...
barbarab, on 08/15/2011

DSLR Photography for Beginners
Fantastic tips. Moving from a point and shoot to a DSLR can be challenging, but if you love great photographs it's worth the effort. I've been considering a half step of sorts. A micro four ...
Electronics, on 08/15/2011