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DIY Ukulele Case
This is a super idea. It could also be used on a half-sized guitar used by kids. My granddaughters Guitar case DID cost more than the guitar. Mom told the shop to throw away the box. If only she knew then what I know now. Well done for ...
Ralpapajan, on 08/18/2011
Cigarette Companies Versus the Government
Fascinating article and I believe very true. Unfortunately, I am a smoker and loathe the day I started smoking. Why did I even start? I was so shy as a teen that I took up smoking at age 18 to have something to do while I sat among people I ...
T_Harmon_Art, on 08/18/2011
After 30 Years, I'm Sketching Again!
Thank you, sheilamarie and theraggedge....I finally realized that I just draw differently than some others and I'll never be one of the greats, lol, but knowing I can draw and create something I can be proud of really is satisfying. If I ever ...
T_Harmon_Art, on 08/18/2011
What are Clif Shot Bloks?
You know, my knees used to ache until I started running in Vibram FiveFingers. I never would have believed it if I didn't experience it myself. :)
theherbivorehippie, on 08/17/2011
Anti-microbial Soap? Just Say No!
Yes!!! This old Nurse Kratchet is applauding loudly!!! Way to go!!
barbarab, on 08/17/2011
Pirate Ship Cake
Wow this is a fantastic cake, love it! Thank you
ForestBear, on 08/17/2011
DIY Ukulele Case
If I had a ukulele, I would play a hearty welcome-on-wizzley tune for ya. :)
chefkeem, on 08/17/2011
Canon T3i Rebel Best Price Ever
Now I am waiting for a "Best Of" Rebel T3i photo page :-)
Hans, on 08/17/2011
Anti-microbial Soap? Just Say No!
Oh dear, yes I washed them but with anti-bac soap. Thanks for re-educating me. I thought I was in safe hands but it appears it was a false sense of security.
WordCustard, on 08/17/2011
Using Creative Writing as an Emotional Outlet
Writing can be very cathartic and is a good way to explore an issue or worry from more than one angle, driving deep to the heart of the matter. Of course, as you point out, other creative expressions can also be therapeutic too and it's easy to ...
WordCustard, on 08/17/2011
After 30 Years, I'm Sketching Again!
Beautiful! You must keep going and never give it up again! I stopped drawing and painting for years and am so glad to have restarted. Not as good as you though!
theraggededge, on 08/17/2011
Explaining Old Book Values
this is great information and for me it is useful. Whiel I have a lot of older books, this does not mean that they a worth anything. Maybe for the sheer joy of reading them, but still, they are older... which as you've said really doesn't mean ...
RebeccaE, on 08/17/2011
Robin s Nest - A Backyard Adventure
I enjoyed this write up, and it's always interesting about robins, they seem to protext that nest area, we have two robins nests in one tree, and it seems that they divided ti evenly between the two nests-- no other birds and teh like allowed, ...
RebeccaE, on 08/17/2011
What Is So Important About Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Keyword Research?
in fact i'd add to this an say that this was a former hub on hubpages, but is having tons more success here on wizzley which goes to show you that location is also important.
RebeccaE, on 08/17/2011
Running A Zazzle Business: What Works For Me
Really cool and useful article about making money on Zazzle. Thanks fro sharing.
TilenHrovatic, on 08/17/2011

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