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How Frightened Can You Get?
I agree! but seems to me the ones we watched as kids were better than the ones today!
barbarab, on 08/18/2011

Where to Buy Area Rugs in Rock Hill, SC
If I am ever down that way, I'll have to stop by...and stop by to see you too!
happynutritionist, on 08/18/2011

Is the Bite of a Centipede Dangerous? Does a Centipede Bite?
All I can do is scream, almost, this is my LEAST favorite creature to come across of all creatures, and I generally tolerate and like almost any living creature large and small. ICK!
happynutritionist, on 08/18/2011

Types of Bread Making
I used to make my own bread at home years ago, then used a breadmaker to knead it, but still formed it by hand...lately we get it free from my husbands work...still there is nothing like the smell of bread baking.
happynutritionist, on 08/18/2011

How To Sell Antiques
So helpful as always, thank you, Bev. Sometimes I actually enjoy walking through old what appear to be run-down antique places, adds to the atmosphere for me. It depends upon what we're looking for, though, whether looking to keep or looking ...
happynutritionist, on 08/18/2011

Childhood Lesson Of Obedience
A great story as always, and I come from the time when spankings were acceptable, too. We always got talked to and told why first, then Dad would leave the room, then come back and give us a wack or two. I now know that taking the time to talk ...
happynutritionist, on 08/18/2011

Cigarette Companies Versus the Government
I find it chilling that young people even today with all we know about the harmful effects are still choosing to smoke. I've noticed more and more kids and twenty-somethings smoking. Advertising, perhaps? I've been told that the cigarette ...
sheilamarie, on 08/18/2011

Setting Up Wordpress
I have been using wordpress for my blogs for a few years, would like to learn how to make a website I have had for years a wordpress site, but it may be more effort than it's worth. Don't want to upset the income I'm receiving from google ...
happynutritionist, on 08/18/2011

How Frightened Can You Get?
I loved scary movies when growing up...they were nothing like the movies now which are REALLY scary and to me almost too much, but for their time, they kept us on the edge of our seats.
happynutritionist, on 08/18/2011

How to Be a Homeschool Mentor
GREAT advice to potential homeschool mentors! I had never thought of doing a formal mentor-mentee relationship but I have informally mentored several people.
tandemonimom, on 08/18/2011

DIY Ukulele Case
really cool article and tutorial :)
TilenHrovatic, on 08/18/2011

Cigarette Companies Versus the Government
me fact the first shift with with RN after my name..that was in '76...stopped in '97..took wellbutrin (zyban) and it turned it off inside my head with the FIRST pill I swallowed..well OK choked on...Dr D Hamiltion threw the first one ...
barbarab, on 08/18/2011

Cigarette Companies Versus the Government
I am so thankful for friends who told me that cigarettes didn't suit me...while they puffed away...when I was young. I haven't smoked since. When driving by tobacco fields in our travels, as much as I wish the whole smoking thing never got ...
happynutritionist, on 08/18/2011

Who is happynutritionist on Wizzley?
Thanks, Sandy. Thanks for being a fan:-)
happynutritionist, on 08/18/2011

Orange Juice
I love orange juice. We have a juicer that get messy. Have to find it. Fresh squeeze is always better.
sandyspider, on 08/18/2011