Latest comments

Macro Photography
Thank you for your comment T-Harmon-Art. I loved my fuji S1000, I used that camera for a long time. And yes you are right you can take photos into photoshop and crop. Sometimes I have to do that when I am trying to focus in on a bee or ...
WhiteOak50, on 08/19/2011
Wedding Invitations
Thank you so much Susan, the blushing rose is one of my favorites. When I seen that picture after I uploaded it, it just grabbed my heart. Thank you tssfacts and boutiqueshops for your comments, they are greatly appreciated.
WhiteOak50, on 08/19/2011
Make Money with Photography
@traveller27 great!
TilenHrovatic, on 08/19/2011
What is Constructive Criticism?
Thank you so much for commenting Leanne :0)
WhiteOak50, on 08/19/2011
Make Money with Photography
I'm planning on looking into some of these sites to sell my photos online. Thanks for the tips.
traveller27, on 08/19/2011
My Zazzle Success Story
What a touching and beautiful story...God has really provided for you. I am in the northeast, too, what State are you in? You can message me if that's too private.
happynutritionist, on 08/19/2011
Origins of Italian
Interesting page on a language that I've heard but do not know. You presented this so clearly...I didn't realize languages had classifications, such as romance languages...and that the romance languages all came from Latin. I always regret not ...
happynutritionist, on 08/19/2011
Should I hang my head in shame or just go on and laugh?
oh no!! I don't know how I could do it but I did...I edited the title (left the 'h' out of shame) and it deleted my comment!!! I am so sorry whoever sent it...please forgive my fumbling fingers!I have sent a message off to Chef/wizzley so ...
barbarab, on 08/19/2011
Fun Snacks for Kids: Crunchy Pizza Toast
never mind the kids! I love these ideas
annieangel, on 08/19/2011
Strumming the Autoharp
my sister ought her autoharp at Tannehill Park in bessemer, Al and she loves it! I will try and get her the Celtic book/I know she would love it!
barbarab, on 08/19/2011
DIY Ukulele Case
Great article and do it yourself instructional. Welcome to Wizzley and best of success to you here.
ohcaroline, on 08/19/2011
Strumming the Autoharp
I've read your other two articles on the autoharp...this one is my favorite. I would enjoy having one. I have played them before...but only casually. They are really fun because you can make some beautiful music without a lot of experience ...
ohcaroline, on 08/19/2011
Who is happynutritionist on Wizzley?
I enjoyed learning more about you - and Aspen is precious! Welcome to Wizzley!
petunia, on 08/18/2011
Let's Talk About Making Bread
thank you!! I had a good time with this one :)
barbarab, on 08/18/2011
Let's Talk About Making Bread
Very entertaining! I love the way you turned breadmaking into such a fun read.
theraggededge, on 08/18/2011

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