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Is the Bite of a Centipede Dangerous? Does a Centipede Bite?
LMAO! I love this article! I'm about to head to bed and that was a fun end to my night! Of course, now I'm going to be wondering if some creepy crawly is going to be out to get me as I sleep! Thanks...thanks a lot!
T_Harmon_Art, on 08/15/2011
Bear Symbolism
I wish I could find my 'spirit guide' as well... love this!
Cathy Rogers, on 08/15/2011
After 30 Years, I'm Sketching Again!
Thank you so much, Ladies! I'm not the greatest artist in the world, but I so enjoy creating something that means a lot to me. I'm so glad you started drawing again, bizilady. I can only imagine how excited you were when you finished your first ...
T_Harmon_Art, on 08/15/2011
Baby Monitors: The Perfect Gift for New Parents
A baby monitor is a help for new parents. I would be careful, however, not to wander too far from your precious little one in case they are in distress. (I wouldn't go next door, for example.)There's nothing that can replace your real physical ...
sheilamarie, on 08/14/2011
Types of Bread Making
me as well!! hello bizlady! but oh well/I figure if I make it its better for me????? :)
barbarab, on 08/14/2011
Ideas for Buffet
Lots of great ideas here. Think I'll do the beach theme, sounds fabulous. Thank you for sharing
ForestBear, on 08/14/2011
After 30 Years, I'm Sketching Again!
I had a similar experience. I just about gave up drawing and art when I started my career and picked it up again after many years as well. You certainly have the talent! see you on zazzle!
Guest, on 08/14/2011
Types of Bread Making
I love bread but it's dangerous to leave any around me..LOL
Guest, on 08/14/2011
The Joy of Wet Shaving ~ Men Only? Ladies probably know better anyway
Ha, ha sounds like a mission. Glad it was mission solved though. Re the Wilkinson Sword electric vibrating four speed, bear trimmer?? Maybe you should try ones for humans rather. :-)
Penny, on 08/14/2011
Danielle McGaw
I am on Squidoo Jewelsofawe but I don't do well over there. LOL
dmcgaw, on 08/14/2011
Positive Affirmations - A way of life
I use affirmations too, and your selections are delightful!
petunia, on 08/14/2011
Types of Bread Making
I have made it many times too!! easy and fast to make and smells yummy and gets eaten nearly as fast as cornread!
barbarab, on 08/14/2011
Why Squat Toilets Need No Novelty Toilet Seats
sorry mivvy...I was just teasing you I know you are Dutch...
barbarab, on 08/14/2011
Honey, Will You Pick Up some Tide for Me
thanks so much Dusty. Having left my cell phone in the car, and not wanting to appear as if I didn't know what I was doing, I simply decided to 'play it safe'...
samsons1, on 08/14/2011
Growing Up In a Different Age
thank you Michey for your response. Sometimes I find myself drifting back to those childhood days, and often those memories are so real that I almost find myself there once again...
samsons1, on 08/14/2011

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