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Renovation Ideas for your Home
People used to do it all the time, with that heavy textured wallpaper even. Takes two people and a couple of brooms to hold the paper up against the ceiling. I bet the paste gets everywhere though...
kevinw1, on 08/13/2011
Robin s Nest - A Backyard Adventure
I had a robin who decided to build a nest at the top of one of my drainpipes this year. I had my own bird's eye view of all the goings on. I've always been amazed by the huge size of robins over here LOL!
SquidRich, on 08/13/2011
Setting Up Wordpress
Hi! I like the idea of a folder "learn something new", I have a similar folder "posts to come back"... as I also learn a lot from Wizzley posts, Squidoo lenses, and my favorite Bloggers posts. Learning never stops... especially on Internet which ...
Michey, on 08/13/2011
How To Sell Antiques
I do not sell the antiques but love to go to them!! and the antique malls are nice because they are in indoors...but I love the swap meets as well!! my fav to look for is galssware and favourites glasses are americana foster..
barbarab, on 08/13/2011
How To Sell Antiques
Great ideas, I wish to have them when I did eBay where I sold some antiques... in the old good eBay days... now I am not doing eBay anymore... Thanks for a great post
Michey, on 08/13/2011
Setting Up Wordpress
thank you again Michey! I will look them up and add them to my 'learn something new" collection!!
barbarab, on 08/13/2011
Childhood Lesson Of Obedience
yea thats what I meant/should have said corporal punishment!! I know all of have received and given the "let me tell you somethings" way more than we want right? :) good morning!
barbarab, on 08/13/2011
Vintage Definition | Antique Definition
Good question! "second-hand" is still used but mostly to refer to clothing. There are a few thrift stores that say second hand or used furniture but "vintage" just sounds more appealing.
mandeesears, on 08/13/2011
Vintage Definition | Antique Definition
What about second-hand? No longer used?
mivvy, on 08/13/2011
Honey, Will You Pick Up some Tide for Me
thank you so much Caroline for you sweet comments and being the first to respond. I was amazed at the way a once simple box of Tide detergent had grown into a product for every conceivable use and ability..
samsons1, on 08/13/2011
Childhood Lesson Of Obedience
Oh, Barb, I received discipline from my father...just not in the form of a spanking again. But there were times when he would say, "Let me tell you one thing, gal!", that I wished for a spanking instead. His "one thing" usually took about an ...
SidewalkPhilosopher, on 08/13/2011
Setting Up Wordpress
Thank you Barbara. My new approach to teaching is to let people put questions, and if I can ... respond to them. This way I know that I am useful as I just solve somebody's need. I already have 5 posts about WP, and 4 of them are from questions. ...
Michey, on 08/13/2011
Teach Children about Solar Energy with Solar Toys
What great toys to have...and what better way to teach kids about solar energy. Great article.
ohcaroline, on 08/13/2011
Honey, Will You Pick Up some Tide for Me
Sounds like you have covered every kind of clothing stain imaginable. This will probably be your last request to bring home the Tide.
ohcaroline, on 08/13/2011
Renovation Ideas for your Home
Good list of decorating suggestions. I can't imagine how you would wallpaper a ceiling though.
ohcaroline, on 08/13/2011

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