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Let's Talk About Making Bread
Yes! Ok happynutritionist we keep on writing! good thing too, as I will write regardless :) dont tell google!
barbarab, on 08/09/2011
Laughter Is Universal
I loved every poem and every picture!! Wonderful to find another writer who loves to anthromorphalize our animal relations!! I bet I spelled that incorrectly oh well!
barbarab, on 08/09/2011
Let's Talk About Making Bread
I think I read in the forum that the google ranking had gone up to pr3, we're in on the beginning of something that is going to be great, I think:-)
happynutritionist, on 08/09/2011
Let's Talk About Making Bread
oh thank you!! I have enjoyed reading your articles as well and will be commenting more on them!! this writing platform is very nice...hope google is good to us eh?
barbarab, on 08/09/2011
Let's Talk About Making Bread
I so enjoy your writing style! I used to bake bread in the early 1980's, then had a bread machine for a while...which we used more for the knead-rise-knead process than to shape. I miss the smell of the yeast as the bread rises and the smell ...
happynutritionist, on 08/09/2011
I know what you mean, Barbara...I cried while I wrote it and it still brings tears to my eyes to read it! Thanks for sharing!
SidewalkPhilosopher, on 08/09/2011
Laughter Is Universal
Oh, Jim loved it! He is the type who would have done it first had he thought of it...the party was fun!!
SidewalkPhilosopher, on 08/09/2011
How to Set Up a Link Wheel
Thanks for sharing this useful information. I will try to implement link wheels better in my writing.
sheilamarie, on 08/09/2011
Why Squat Toilets Need No Novelty Toilet Seats
I know about Moms! we are all the same arent we??? haha I don't know if I could manage a true squat terrible to fall wouldn't it?
barbarab, on 08/09/2011
SEO Ranking Part 1
Thank you, Michey. I will check out your website to learn more.
sheilamarie, on 08/09/2011
made me cry like a baby! we have two, a girl and boy but they are far away/we miss them so! this is exactly how we feel about our grandchildren!! fantastic article!
barbarab, on 08/09/2011
How to Feed Hummingbirds by Hand and Pretty Hummingbird Photos
wonderful article!!
barbarab, on 08/09/2011
Why Squat Toilets Need No Novelty Toilet Seats
Barbarab, Same my mother used to say: don't sit down, don't touch anything. (she wan't a nurse) However when using a squat toilet you have to squat really low and you can't sit down, even if you would like to. In a way squat toilet are more ...
mivvy, on 08/09/2011
Why Squat Toilets Need No Novelty Toilet Seats
well, I always squat in any public toilet..never sit down even with the paper stuff for the seat! and I can still hear my baby girl/now 28yrs/hollering at me from the next stall "Don't sit down Momma! I'm not sitting Momma, Are you?" that was ...
barbarab, on 08/09/2011
Ever Wondered About the Difference Between a Donkey and a Burro?
hello Kajohu!! you lucky duck! what a wonderful memory for you!! I was just reading on RedGage and came across the picture of a Burro then I went and found wild mustang4U site and got hooked!! I think I would like a standard Burro/ ...
barbarab, on 08/09/2011

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