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My Zazzle Success Story
Thanks for sharing. It's an encouragement to those of us still making about $10.00 a month and only getting paid every two or three months. My income is growing, but I'm not working anywhere near full time at this. Right now I'm only averaging ...
BarbRad, on 08/09/2011
Canon T3i Rebel Best Price Ever
Thanks for the vote of confidence. I can't wait for the camera to arrive so I can take it out for a spin.
nightowl, on 08/09/2011
Why Squat Toilets Need No Novelty Toilet Seats
I like your selections of novelty toilet seats! My favorite is the Rubber Ducky one, followed closely by the Frogs in the Moonlight toilet seat cover. I had the interesting experience of using a squat toilet in Pune, India.
kajohu, on 08/09/2011
Canon T3i Rebel Best Price Ever
I was told by a friend that this is a great camera, and that the total of camera and lens runs about $1000. Just the fact that you got your entire package for $870, rather than the full price of $1500 or so is amazing! Good luck with the ...
kajohu, on 08/08/2011
Ever Wondered About the Difference Between a Donkey and a Burro?
I guess I didn't know that donkeys and burros were the same thing! This article brings back some fun memories of when I was a child visiting my best friend's grandparents cabin. They owned about a dozen burros, and we got to help feed them and ...
kajohu, on 08/08/2011
Best Messenger Bag for a Teen Girl
Wow these bags look great. I don't know anyone but I actually wouldn't mind one myself :-). Great page
ForestBear, on 08/08/2011
Why Squat Toilets Need No Novelty Toilet Seats
Hi Mivvy, you have a good selection here, Rudy is a funny one!
ForestBear, on 08/08/2011
How to Buy and Use Solar Panels
None, but it's something which is well worth looking into. The solar garden lights sound like they could be very handy. Great ideas here
ForestBear, on 08/08/2011
Fire Destroys Susan52's Home
Thank you, Joan, for your updates on Susan. It's nice to see her here again online. Susan, I hope that your life will soon regain a bit of normalcy. Keep strong.
evelynsaenz, on 08/08/2011
Google Social Networking
I am in both. I have some problems with FB, but I think the competition will at least make them think... LOL. I love Google+, and I think it will last in time... it is very well done, and is so simple, it is not convoluted, not intrusive, don't ...
Michey, on 08/08/2011
Why Do People Paint Their Tree Trunks White?
Yes I agree it is more for protection, we do paint trunks trees in Europe. Thanks for a useful post.
Michey, on 08/08/2011
Don't You Love Bright Yellow Sunflowers?
Yes I love them, they are decorative, and yellow in my mind is a color which inspire optimism, so I like it. That painting with sun flowers in the vase is so beautiful, it is a Van Gogue. Regards
Michey, on 08/08/2011
Canon T3i Rebel Best Price Ever
You ALWAYS come up with the craziest deals. You should be a blogger, or something.
chefkeem, on 08/08/2011
Google Social Networking
I quit facebook long ago. I hated the lack of control and the lack of security there. But I was introduced to this just recently and I find it very interesting. I am still learning. But I think this will give FB a run for it's money.
nightbear, on 08/08/2011
How To Make Money on Zazzle
I have been a Zazzle member since 2008 and when I'm not making music, I create new designs for products. Each year my sales have doubled and this year I have sold an average of about one item per ...
Daniel James, on 08/08/2011

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