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Laughter Is Universal
oh sorry/got Bills name wrong...number of letters correct but name wrong...theres an article in there somewhere :) I am glad you are both healthier now!! my David and I stopped in 1997...I needed wellbutrin (Zyban) but Daid just stopped the ...
barbarab, on 08/09/2011
Laughter Is Universal
Yes, my husband, Bill quit smoking in 2007...thank goodness...I am allergic to the smoke and stayed sick. So nice for both of us! :)
SidewalkPhilosopher, on 08/09/2011
Why Squat Toilets Need No Novelty Toilet Seats
:) CHalloran you sound just like my baby sister...hey Becca is that you??? when she was little she hated to get dirt or anything 'yucky' on her.. but the end we all require a bite or two of dirt to stay healthy!
barbarab, on 08/09/2011
Let's Talk About Making Bread
hello chef!! I feel I know you already and am so glad you are on this writing platform! haha makes it sound as if all of us are on this huge tall structure and we are all reading aloud our articles...dude it would be noisy!!
barbarab, on 08/09/2011
Laughter Is Universal
no now Jim stopped the cigarettes! You said!! dont make nurse Kratchet come over there!! :) you didnt know what it meant for real? cool! well that just means I MUST memorize the spelling :(
barbarab, on 08/09/2011
Let's Talk About Making Bread
This is bread making talk from the soul. Love it! :)
chefkeem, on 08/09/2011
Ever Wondered About the Difference Between a Donkey and a Burro?
I think Joey loves you so much he would carry your pack for you! goodness that is one handsome dog! Don't tell him though! Give him a big head :) I loved his story!! wish you would write one for this site! "Joey's Days of Summer. A Never ...
barbarab, on 08/09/2011
Why Squat Toilets Need No Novelty Toilet Seats
I disagree with the squad toilets being more hygienic. Especially if you are wearing pants, first you have to roll your pants up but that doesn't really help either once you pull them down the legs eventually touch the yucky ground. Second of ...
CHalloran, on 08/09/2011
Growing Up In a Different Age
I am just a little younger than you, Sam but I, too, have fond memories of a simpler and more innocent time in the 50s. I feel sad that today's kids don't get to experience that outdoor play like we did. We didn't have much in the way of real ...
bev-owens, on 08/09/2011
Do You have Pet Peeves?
Thank Bev for the follow and for making your contribution to my 'pet peeve' page. I know just what you mean and found myself cowering behind one yesterday waiting for an opportunity to pass. Thanks so much for responding & sharing...
samsons1, on 08/09/2011
Do You have Pet Peeves?
Currently my biggest pet peeve are the bicyclists who take up a lane of the road! Oooo it just gets my goat! I am not rude to them but it really gets my blood boiling. With all of the bike trails that taxpayer money has built...they choose to ...
bev-owens, on 08/09/2011
Summer Activities: Cruise to Alaska
Taking a trip to Alaska is definitely on my bucket list. Loved today's update and can't wait to see and hear about the rest of the trip.
bev-owens, on 08/09/2011
Ever Wondered About the Difference Between a Donkey and a Burro?
Well, I have a dog that is almost as large as a Burro/Donkey but that is about as close as I have ever come to owning one. Whenever I think of a Burro/Donkey, I think of Jesus riding into Jerusalem and then the song, The Holy City comes to mind. ...
SidewalkPhilosopher, on 08/09/2011
Laughter Is Universal
ANTHROPOMORPHIZE But don't feel bad...I had to look it up...I didn't even know what it meant! LOL And, yes, I enjoy doing that...felt the photos were perfect. The little guy with the hat and pipe sorta resembles my husband!! HeeHee Glad you ...
SidewalkPhilosopher, on 08/09/2011
Should You Categorize by Design or Product on Zazzle?
This is really a toss up. Depending on what you sell, and what makes it easier for the customer it's an individual choice. Zazzle used to have an automatic list of products on our sidebars so most people created categories by design which gave ...
dustytoes, on 08/09/2011

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