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Nintendo 3DS Buying Guide
I think every kid in America and beyond would want one of these. Excellent page.
ohcaroline, on 08/10/2011
Flat Stanley comes to visit!
What a great idea! I'm sure my children are going to love this. Thank you!
thefont, on 08/10/2011
Explaining Old Book Values
Indeed this is very helpful, Bev. I think I will just release the old books around here. Sounds like they are virtually worthless.
petunia, on 08/10/2011
Do You have Pet Peeves?
bev-owens, if bicyclist take up the road when theier is a cycle path running along, I understand your pet peeve. But if their is no cycle path, bikes should take up part of the road, to be seen and not to be wiped off and pushed into the verge, ...
mivvy, on 08/10/2011
Do You have Pet Peeves?
My pet peeve is people stopping short when they get to the top of the escalator.
mivvy, on 08/10/2011
Explaining Old Book Values
Old books suffer from trends and also what is valuable in one country is not in the other. A few years ago first editions of P.G. Wodehouse were expensive to buy in the UK but not in the Netherlands. Then selling Wodehouse was lucrative in the ...
mivvy, on 08/10/2011
Blue wigs tv and anime-inspired, popular for costumes, plays and dress up
I wish they had been around when I was a kid. I used to attach towels to my hair so that it felt like having long hair.
mivvy, on 08/10/2011
Let's Talk About Making Bread
Bread making, I loved (stressing lovED). I haven't done it for years. After reading your wizzle, I think I should do it again.
mivvy, on 08/10/2011
History of the Potato Chip
Chips or crisps as the British will say. I love them. I had them for the first time when I was in Britain in the 1960s. Smith Potato crisp, with little blue salt sachets. It was much later that they could be bought in the Netherlands (where I ...
mivvy, on 08/10/2011
Summer Activities: Cruise to Alaska
What a wonderful trip, enjoy every minute of it! I will follow you from behind my computer
mivvy, on 08/10/2011
Why Squat Toilets Need No Novelty Toilet Seats
:) CHalloran, What would you do if there is not a western toilet in sight?
mivvy, on 08/10/2011
Why Squat Toilets Need No Novelty Toilet Seats
I used squat toilets in China and it was so strange though I grew up in the middle of nowhere U.S. and we squatted plenty while out and about when young. Oh well. Nice toilet seats!
PeggyHazelwood, on 08/10/2011
Why Squat Toilets Need No Novelty Toilet Seats
Love the toilet seats. Hate squat toilets.
nickupton, on 08/10/2011
Should You Categorize by Design or Product on Zazzle?
Thanks for your input, Dustytoes. It definitely is a personal choice, but if it seems one way isn't working, it's worth trying something different. Right after I changed my store I actually had two sales after a long dry spell, lol! It could ...
T_Harmon_Art, on 08/10/2011
Growing Up In a Different Age
I agree Bev, times are just too fast today and children are indeed rushed into adolescence and then adulthood. I'm thankful for my childhood experiences and promise to write about them if you will read and critique them for me...
samsons1, on 08/09/2011

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