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Working From Home is My Dream Come True
I do have my dream job, working at home - writing, creating, communicating! Fun stuff!
petunia, on 08/10/2011
Explaining Old Book Values
Good information explained well. I sell on Amazon and you're right, not too many rare valuable books to be had.
PeggyHazelwood, on 08/10/2011
When Your Zazzle Products Are Not Selling
I love Zazzling and wish I could give it the time I'd like to. I sell a few things of my own, and sometimes what I least expect. When the new product announcements come in my email, I often wonder who would be likely to buy them. I often ask ...
BarbRad, on 08/10/2011
Don't You Love Bright Yellow Sunflowers?
sunflowers are a fav of mine as well!!
barbarab, on 08/10/2011
Branding You, Branding Me, Branding Wizzley
This is an interesting article and I see a glimmer of light at the end of what has been a very long and dark tunnel. I use my Pen Name ~ Ralpapajan ~ for all my online writing sites due to my real name being lost among a plethora of writers ...
Ralpapajan, on 08/10/2011
Capture everyone’s attention at the after-prom party
Hi mivvy! Thanks for passing by :) I know prom parties tend to be quite different from region to region, where I live having an after-prom party it's really common!
Marylol, on 08/10/2011
Let's Talk About Making Bread
oh thank you mivvy!! i had a good time writing this ha could you tell? today I am writing about scarey movies! yikes :)
barbarab, on 08/10/2011
Laughter Is Universal
That's amazing Mr. and my husband must be related...the photo of the money in the hat and glasses totally reminded me of Bill! LOL LOL You're too funny!
SidewalkPhilosopher, on 08/10/2011
Laughter Is Universal
Where did you get so many pictures of my family and me?
Mr. W. Thomas Kelley, Jr., on 08/10/2011
Dr Seuss Wall Stickers
Wow! These are great. My favorite Dr. Seuss quote is "Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." Dr. Seuss stories are the best. ...
WallStickerFan, on 08/10/2011
Explaining Old Book Values
I have quite a few old books, some of them belonged to my grandmother when she was a kid. It's fun to see the way stories were told back then and how the way of writing was so different. They are mostly in poor shape. Thanks for this insight ...
dustytoes, on 08/10/2011
Explaining Old Book Values
Very well written and interesting article. Thanks so much Bev for the valuable insight...
samsons1, on 08/10/2011
Do You have Pet Peeves?
ohcaroline, I've been there many times and find that I must now watch the bagboy/girl and prompt them to place the 'fragilest' on top always. Thanks for your reply...
samsons1, on 08/10/2011
Explaining Old Book Values
I donated a first edition JW Riley book to a YMCA fundraiser once. Got it at an estate sale and it looked like it had hardly ever been opened. It brought $300 (mostly because the money went to a great cause). Excellent advice Bev. Thanks for ...
mandeesears, on 08/10/2011
Do You have Pet Peeves?
My pet peeve is getting home with the groceries and finding my loaf of bread squashed under heavy goods or those beautiful tomatoes that I so lovingly selected in produce under something with ridges and now my tomatoes have bruises. I don't ...
ohcaroline, on 08/10/2011

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