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Setting Up Wordpress
Thanks for all the information. I am just starting a Wordpress this is good to know.
ohcaroline, on 08/12/2011
Nintendo 3DS Buying Guide
What a lot of fun! And wow has Nintendo come a long way since the grey Gameboy games my kids played with...the first of the handheld Nintendo's. So much more to games now, lucky kids!
happynutritionist, on 08/12/2011
Explaining Old Book Values
Yes, helpful information. This is my favorite kind of thing besides old letters, photos, etc., to loo buy, enjoy, then resell. I have found some real treasures in books, wonderful surprises, but it takes knowing what you're looking for and ...
happynutritionist, on 08/12/2011
Setting Up Wordpress
I will definitely be back here to read and study some more. Thanks for sharing your knowledge!
ohme, on 08/12/2011
Setting Up Wordpress
You must have read my thoughts. Yesterday I Googles how to set up wordpress, bookmarked them and now I found yours, I will study it minutely before I start
mivvy, on 08/12/2011
Anti-microbial Soap? Just Say No!
excellent article and I love your comparison to a training camp. Manufacturers 'create' new bacteria that must be annihilated. Too many people believe them, buy the products and think they are protecting themselves and their kids. Very sad that ...
mivvy, on 08/12/2011
Orange Juice
Blood oranges are my favourite, but I can't always find them, probably because they are seasonal.I never heard of cara cara oranges, where do they grow?
mivvy, on 08/12/2011
Setting Up Wordpress
Oh my gosh, Michey, I will read this ten more times. I want to disect it. And I know I have to correct some mistakes on my Blogs. Thank you for your article and thank you for being my blog mentor.
nightbear, on 08/12/2011
Donna Leon: The Girl of His Dreams - A Book Review
This is a super review. Makes me want to read the book. I had never heard of Donna Leon before, Than you for posting.
Ralpapajan, on 08/12/2011
The Art Of Buying Antiques
Here, Here! Excellent advice, suggestions and an overall look at the Antique buying/selling industry from both sides of the fence. Thanks for sharing your knowledge!
mandeesears, on 08/11/2011
Musical Author - Michael Kunze
Impressive insight into musical author, Michael Kunze, from a close friend and former music producer. The YouTube excerpt of Elisabeth displays the greatness of this gifted musical dramatist. I was intrigued as I watch the music drama unfold.
ronpass, on 08/11/2011
Setting Up Wordpress
Yes, I know, you made great progress in one year! So this is supper and show me that you are a great fighter when you put your talents at work.
Michey, on 08/11/2011
Setting Up Wordpress
I think I am, Michey. I hope so. I have a list of plug-ins that I always use. I enjoyed reading your recommendations!
petunia, on 08/11/2011
Why Squat Toilets Need No Novelty Toilet Seats
off the Japan coast/Hiroshima..Okinawa...Japan many tragic memories tied into those set of islands...many centuries upon centuries of memories, culture, fame and knowledge...
barbarab, on 08/11/2011
Explaining Old Book Values
Thanks, Bev. Even so, it's wonderful to hold an old book in your hands and to turn the pages and look at the illustrations. It's fun, too, to think of all the people who may have read that very book and wonder how that book affected their ...
sheilamarie, on 08/11/2011

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