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Royalton Bed and Breakfast in Vermont
Oh this looks like a wonderful Bed and Breakfast! I have always wanted to visit Vermont.
bev-owens, on 08/08/2011
How to Buy and Use Solar Panels
No solar power for me at this time. I think it's a great idea though.
ohcaroline, on 08/08/2011
Royalton Bed and Breakfast in Vermont
Sounds like a lovely place to get away. I hope to make it to Vermont one of these days.
ohcaroline, on 08/08/2011
Growing Up In a Different Age
Hi Dustytoes and welcome! I agree, children aren't seen outside like you used to see them, be it the entertainment of TV and/or video games which captivate their limited behaviors within their own homes or fear of apprehension by some wackos ...
samsons1, on 08/08/2011
Paper Dresses odd 1960's fad
I remember these, (shows my age). Lovely to read about them again
mivvy, on 08/08/2011
How to Cut Your Own Hair - Long Hair
I cut my own long hair too. I asked for hairdressing scissors for Christmas last year. It saves time and money. I have it tied back all the time anyway so a proper haircut is a waste of money.
TerriRexson, on 08/08/2011
Growing Up In a Different Age
Something I don't see kids doing much these days is just going outside and playing. Not riding a new bike or playing soccer in a team, but just playing - using their imaginations. Three of my kids are grown, and the one that is a teen is ...
dustytoes, on 08/08/2011
The Art Of Buying Antiques
I used to go antique shopping with a good friend in Florida. We would travel all over and buy little things. She knew more about it than I did, but it was fun. I did not know the term "provenance" so I learned something today!
dustytoes, on 08/08/2011
Captain America Costumes
I'm sure Captain America will be a popular costume this Halloween!
tandemonimom, on 08/08/2011
Best Affiliate Programs For Beginners
Starting out as an affiliate is really daunting. When I started all I knew was that Google adsense is the only affiliate network which will earn you money. But then, I realized Amazon was more lucrative especially if you write product/sales ...
Natasha, on 08/08/2011
Robin s Nest - A Backyard Adventure
I have enjoyed watching your robins nest through now I'm guessing the fledglings have left the nest and are grown up? I have never had the pleasure of watching a Robins nest, but did watch several birds gathering grasses, leaves, ...
happynutritionist, on 08/07/2011
Backyard Bird Feeders
I just purchased yet another is a Gazebo type...and a very young squirrel is chewing little pieces from it, but I don't have the heart to put up a squirrel proof feeder. Just trying to "teach" the very young squirrel not to do this ...
happynutritionist, on 08/07/2011
Katinka's Wizzography
Thanks! Now I know you better, and I like what I just read. Thanks for sharing!
Michey, on 08/07/2011
Best laptops for teenagers 2024
Very good resource post, useful info... not only for teens... LOL Regards
Michey, on 08/07/2011
What to do after buying an android phone
This is a very precious post, with detailed ideas, well done and presented. Apps are a different world of functionality we can add, and accessories make out life more colorful and handy.
Michey, on 08/07/2011

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