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Michey's Wizzography
Thanks Nancy and Jeanie, your vote of confidence means a lot to me...
Michey, on 08/06/2011
When Your Zazzle Products Are Not Selling
You've got some good pointers for Zazzle shopkeepers here - thanks for sharing!
tandemonimom, on 08/06/2011
Michey's Wizzography
This was great idea because your work is such a wealth of information to other online friends!
SidewalkPhilosopher, on 08/06/2011
Best Wordless Books Authors: Mercer Mayer
I use wordless books quite often as speech prompts for my son- I had not come across these ones before though! I will have to try The boy and the Frog series and I know my son will just adore the great cat chase!
sidther, on 08/06/2011
Chicken Mustard salad
Great ideas for left overs and lovely recipes.
mivvy, on 08/06/2011
When Your Zazzle Products Are Not Selling
I have bookmarking them all. I have only just signed up for Zazzle. No time at the moment to study what to do and how to sell.
mivvy, on 08/06/2011
How to Cut Your Own Hair - Long Hair
Excellent video, especially the advice to twist the hair when right handed. I always cut my hair in between professional haircuts, but the result is not always satisfactory. Next time I'll do what the video says, I am sure the result will be ...
mivvy, on 08/06/2011
Angel Christmas Ornaments
They are adorable. I also loved the noodle Christmas tee decorations, but I am not sure if I will make them. Would be fun, once my grandchild is older.
mivvy, on 08/06/2011
When Your Zazzle Products Are Not Selling
@T_Harmon_Art - You have a great attitude and you make very good points. If you don't love the Zazzle work, your sales will suffer because it does take huge amounts of time. Your store Z looks awesome, and best of luck to you. I look forward ...
dustytoes, on 08/06/2011
I find this all appalling, whatever happened to America? You have to keep on at them all the time until someone with some sense gets to hear about it. Keep at them and get your MP or whatever you ...
spookmoor, on 08/06/2011
5 Great Perennials To Grow In Michigan
I don't live in Michigan either, but that blue fescue is lovely!
petunia, on 08/06/2011
What State Has The Most Lakes?
Delightful! Wonder how much the lake-counter makes in each state? Sounds like a fun job - just riding around hunting for lakes with and without names!
petunia, on 08/06/2011
Michey's Wizzography
Wow, 22 Wizzley articles. That's super and so is this Wizzography
ohme, on 08/06/2011
oh Vee, My heart sure goes out to you and your family. You are definitely in my prayers. I wish there was more I could do and will put my thinking cap on. Hang in there!
ohme, on 08/06/2011
Tomato Strainers - Manual and Electric Salsa Makers and Pasta Sauce Machines
Actually they're not all difficult to clean, at least not the one I have. It all comes apart quite nicely so you can clean the individual parts.
wampyrii, on 08/06/2011