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1961 - 2011 The Berlin Wall Fifty Years On
I also watched the coming down of the wall on TV. It is a bit like the assassination of John F Kennedy, almost everybody remembers where they were that day.
mivvy, on 08/07/2011

They are adorable. I like the Huggtopus best. Lovely story, I knew only part of it.
mivvy, on 08/07/2011

Angel Christmas Ornaments
I have a set of angels that I made from printed cloth and stuffed them. They add a homespun look to my tree.
ohcaroline, on 08/07/2011

Growing Up In a Different Age
I definitely grew up in a different age. If feels like ancient history now. We didn't have family time...but I still have good memories of that time in my life.
ohcaroline, on 08/07/2011

Musical Author - Michael Kunze
Very interesting read.
ohcaroline, on 08/07/2011

1961 - 2011 The Berlin Wall Fifty Years On
Very interesting article. I enjoyed the video too. The day it came down has always stuck in my memory. I remember watching it on tv.
ohcaroline, on 08/07/2011

Reasons To Send Your Kids To Summer Day Camps
I think every kid should have the privilege of going to camp at least once in their life. I would have really enjoyed it...but didn't get to.
ohcaroline, on 08/07/2011

What Is So Important About Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Keyword Research?
I have to honestly say that I don't seem to be able to grasp the mechanics of SEO. I am always working on it.
ohcaroline, on 08/07/2011

Very cute characters!
ohcaroline, on 08/07/2011

Getting Bubblegum Out of Hair
I had always heard that peanut butter was a solution...but I've never had to use it.
ohcaroline, on 08/07/2011

How I Use My Kindle
My partner has a Kindle while I have the Kindle app on a tablet - we love them. I have already passed your pdf tip onto him. Thanks!
theraggededge, on 08/07/2011

Growing Up In a Different Age
thank you sheilamarie for you nice additions to our comments. Today is truly a different and challenging time for our youth...
samsons1, on 08/07/2011

What are Old Wives' Tales?
I remember a lady showing me a birthmark on her arm and explaining it had been a 'mouse'. Apparently her mother had been startled by a mouse during her pregnancy.
theraggededge, on 08/07/2011

Posing Guide for Better Portrait Photography
Great article and wonderful tips! I run and hide whenever a camera appears!
theraggededge, on 08/07/2011

How To Find A Micro Niche
I have tried before to use mindmaps and so far, it has not worked for me. I am going to try your idea of free-handing my mindmap for ideas today. Maybe that will work better.
Generally making a list of 100 has proven most effective for me. ...
petunia, on 08/07/2011