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How To Find A Micro Niche
This is indeed excellent and well worth reading. My problem remains that I'm locked in a world which has since passed us all bye and I just can't get into the mindset of catering to the youngsters who think so differently to me. Looks like that ...
Spook, on 08/07/2011
Communicating with deaf people
And thank you for your comment and you are most welcome.
Spook, on 08/07/2011
Lou’s Zazzle Journey
Hi Lou, I enjoyed reading about your Zazzle journey and I can relate to what you've said. When I sell something with my artwork on it I get very excited - especially if it's a new design. There is just something about someone liking what I've ...
dustytoes, on 08/07/2011
Captain America Costumes
I think the Captain America costumes will be a huge hit this year, especially!
petunia, on 08/07/2011
Best Affiliate Programs For Beginners
@Nick - I am glad you liked the article.
Natasha, on 08/07/2011
Getting Bubblegum Out of Hair
So glad you found a solution for removing gum from Tegan's beautiful hair.
Dianne, on 08/07/2011
Best Affiliate Programs For Beginners
@spirituality - I agree with you. Google Adsense remove it's publishers almost instantly and once banned it is almost impossible to get your account back. Nice advice on getting some decent traffic before you start promoting your site. ...
Natasha, on 08/07/2011
Choose a Dinosaur Rug
I could have used one of these when I was about 7 years old.
nickupton, on 08/07/2011
Growing Up In a Different Age
Family is so important. So much seems to conspire against families being close, but we can still choose to be a family if we work at it.
sheilamarie, on 08/07/2011
Branding You, Branding Me, Branding Wizzley
Hi Ron, Interesting article which provides plenty of food for thought. Thank you for opening my eyes further to branding.
ForestBear, on 08/07/2011
Best Affiliate Programs For Beginners
Great article. Off to check out Chitika.
nickupton, on 08/07/2011
How To Find A Micro Niche
I'm slowly learning day by day and found your article very helpful. Thank you for the tips
ForestBear, on 08/07/2011
Anything can be used for speech therapy
Wonderful article on speech therapy. Very interesting and informative, thank you for sharing
ForestBear, on 08/07/2011
Best Affiliate Programs For Beginners
While adsense is definitely the easiest way to earn money off any site, it's also the easiest program to get out of. Perfectly reputable people get thrown out because they, or family members, or friends, clicked on their ads. I always ...
spirituality, on 08/07/2011
When Your Zazzle Products Are Not Selling
Great article on how to Zazzle. Thanks for featuring my Zazzle journey as well.
lou16, on 08/07/2011

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