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Communicating with deaf people
Hi spook, great to find you here. I have a brother who is totally deaf in one ear and mostly in the other, and has other disabilities, too, from an illness that damaged his brain when he was 6 mos old. I am very familiar with using a lot of ...
happynutritionist, on 08/06/2011
How to Cut Your Own Hair - Long Hair
I always cut my own hair and I love these tips. Next time I'll try them out! Those are great videos too.
dustytoes, on 08/06/2011
When Your Zazzle Products Are Not Selling
Excellent advice, as usual Pam. Patience can be rewarded. Reworking some of my first Zazzle items helped me. I don't like the quick create either -- one at a time helps me make sure they appear as I want them too.
mandeesears, on 08/06/2011
Cute Yorkie Pictures and Yorkshire Terrier Art
Sweet and adorable Yorkie you have and it's amazing you've had her for so may years now. She is lucky to have you guys in her life!
ajgodinho, on 08/06/2011
Who is happynutritionist on Wizzley?
Great to see you on Wizzley and learn a little more about you, Claudia. Lots a familiar faces here.
ajgodinho, on 08/06/2011
Best Messenger Bag for a Teen Girl
i love messenger bags so cool i wish i could have one
grace, on 08/06/2011
Aging Gracefully
Dianne, you are so right...I still try to walk as fast and keep up with all that I always did...and I can for awhile...and then I collaspe, exhausted! LOL Sixty hain't for marathons! Thank you, Claudia, for sharing my thoughts...and, yes, may we ...
SidewalkPhilosopher, on 08/06/2011
Pot Roast with Planned Leftovers
This looks so delicious! I look forward to cooler weather when I like cooking things like this. By the way, thanks for being a fan, I appreciate it:-)
happynutritionist, on 08/06/2011
Writers Need Money: A Justification for Publishing
I've just published a lulu book. It's a children's book called Fiona, the Theater Mouse. I haven't started marketing yet, but will start soon. Thanks for giving me a nudge.
sheilamarie, on 08/06/2011
Aging Gracefully
This is very very beautiful and touching, I read every word. Thank you for taking the time to put something so wonderful together. May we all age gracefully and show grace to those we love who are aging.
happynutritionist, on 08/06/2011
Aging Gracefully
It is true we have to make our own peace with aging. Hard to do sometimes. Things that used to be easy are not anymore. It's difficult sometimes to reconcile the young vibrant people we used to be with our present limitations. I really ...
Dianne, on 08/06/2011
When Your Zazzle Products Are Not Selling
Very good article here for Zazzlers!
Jewelsofawe, on 08/06/2011
Getting Bubblegum Out of Hair
You can use food for just anything - huh =D Thanks for the tip
irenemaria, on 08/06/2011
About AJ Godinho
I am fairly new with Wizzley, joined a month or so ago, just started writing. It's good to see another familiar face here and I like your perspective on Wizzley complimenting Squidoo.
happynutritionist, on 08/06/2011
Getting Bubblegum Out of Hair
What a great tip! I had heard of using peanut butter before, but not butter. I haven't had this problem with my boys' hair, but occasionally gum would get stuck on clothing (in pockets....) or on the carpet. I wonder if butter would've ...
kajohu, on 08/06/2011

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