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Michey's Wizzography
This is a precious comment for me Janelle, as I always have a guilty filling:
1) when I am working I said "I better be with Mom"
2) when I am with Mom o said " I didn't finish my work"
3) so I never win... but in her eye I do and this is ...
Michey, on 08/06/2011

How to Cut Your Own Hair - Long Hair
I like your tip for cutting bangs! My hair isn't long enough to cut the rest of it using that method though.
kajohu, on 08/06/2011

Memoirs Of The Sidewalk Philosopher (Volume Two)
Thanks, Nancy...I am so glad that you enjoyed the new photo of Gabe!!
SidewalkPhilosopher, on 08/06/2011

Memoirs Of The Sidewalk Philosopher (Volume Two)
I just now got to sit down and read this.
Nancy Lanier, on 08/06/2011

Michey's Wizzography
I like how you did this. I haven't yet used Wizzley, but I have plans for the future for it. I love that you shared the photo of you and your mom. I cared for my hubby's mom in our home for 11 ...
CCGAL (Janelle), on 08/06/2011

Getting Bubblegum Out of Hair
I had to remove gum from my sister's hair (many years ago), but could not. So I simply cut it out together with a strand of hair. She did not like it, nor did my mother
mivvy, on 08/06/2011

Just google WOMEN'S SHELTERS Omaha, NE .... it will give you a long list of possible resources to help with the problems you're having. I hope you can get some type of help for yourself ... ...
Elaine, on 08/06/2011

Growing Up In a Different Age
thanks so much mivvy for your visit. You are my first here on Wizzley and I appreciate you sharing your nice reminisce...
samsons1, on 08/06/2011

Michey's Wizzography
Thanks Nancy and Jeanie, your vote of confidence means a lot to me...
Michey, on 08/06/2011

When Your Zazzle Products Are Not Selling
You've got some good pointers for Zazzle shopkeepers here - thanks for sharing!
tandemonimom, on 08/06/2011

Michey's Wizzography
This was great idea because your work is such a wealth of information to other online friends!
SidewalkPhilosopher, on 08/06/2011

Best Wordless Books Authors: Mercer Mayer
I use wordless books quite often as speech prompts for my son- I had not come across these ones before though! I will have to try The boy and the Frog series and I know my son will just adore the great cat chase!
sidther, on 08/06/2011

Chicken Mustard salad
Great ideas for left overs and lovely recipes.
mivvy, on 08/06/2011

When Your Zazzle Products Are Not Selling
I have bookmarking them all. I have only just signed up for Zazzle. No time at the moment to study what to do and how to sell.
mivvy, on 08/06/2011

How to Cut Your Own Hair - Long Hair
Excellent video, especially the advice to twist the hair when right handed. I always cut my hair in between professional haircuts, but the result is not always satisfactory. Next time I'll do what the video says, I am sure the result will be ...
mivvy, on 08/06/2011