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I find this all appalling, whatever happened to America? You have to keep on at them all the time until someone with some sense gets to hear about it. Keep at them and get your MP or whatever you ...
spookmoor, on 08/06/2011
5 Great Perennials To Grow In Michigan
I don't live in Michigan either, but that blue fescue is lovely!
petunia, on 08/06/2011
What State Has The Most Lakes?
Delightful! Wonder how much the lake-counter makes in each state? Sounds like a fun job - just riding around hunting for lakes with and without names!
petunia, on 08/06/2011
Michey's Wizzography
Wow, 22 Wizzley articles. That's super and so is this Wizzography
ohme, on 08/06/2011
oh Vee, My heart sure goes out to you and your family. You are definitely in my prayers. I wish there was more I could do and will put my thinking cap on. Hang in there!
ohme, on 08/06/2011
Tomato Strainers - Manual and Electric Salsa Makers and Pasta Sauce Machines
Actually they're not all difficult to clean, at least not the one I have. It all comes apart quite nicely so you can clean the individual parts.
wampyrii, on 08/06/2011
Growing Up In a Different Age
today's children are given anything they want - very true in many cases. My daughter is still yearning for a mountain bike we never bought for her. and I wish I had had more books when I was a child. Just one for my birthday and I read it in a ...
mivvy, on 08/06/2011
Tomato Strainers - Manual and Electric Salsa Makers and Pasta Sauce Machines
these strainers sound interesting, but aren't they difficult to clean?
mivvy, on 08/06/2011
When Your Zazzle Products Are Not Selling
Love your article! I wrote my first blog post on wizzley about how I've categorized my products and plan to write more about zazzle on many subject ideas. It's great to get perspective from other zazzlers and I appreciate the encouragement in ...
T_Harmon_Art, on 08/06/2011
Epic Line | Viking Art Glass
I know next to nothing about these things, but the colors sure are pretty.
sheilamarie, on 08/06/2011
Children's Alarm Clocks
My children are old enough to use the alarm in their cell phones.
Sara, on 08/06/2011
What To Do With A Bushel of Summer Peaches
Peaches can help with anemia, high blood pressure, constipation, and dry cough. My favorite is peach cobbler with vanilla ice cream.
Sara @ breville smart oven, on 08/06/2011
Thank you, Elaine. I will check into it on Monday> I checked their Website and they may only help people in North Omaha, but I'll check!
vbright, on 08/06/2011
Desperation Here's a place in Omaha, NE that sounds promising ... helps people find places to live
Elaine, on 08/06/2011
It's perfectly alright, Veronica! Thank you!
Margaret, on 08/06/2011

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