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Here's a place in Omaha, NE that sounds promising ... helps people find places to live
Elaine, on 08/06/2011

It's perfectly alright, Veronica! Thank you!
Margaret, on 08/06/2011

Oh, Margaret, you didn't. I know you only meant to help. I'm sorry if I seemed short
vbright, on 08/05/2011

You must be one of the bravest and compassionate people alive. I don't have ANY children (by choice) -- it would be rough for me to parent a "normal" child, let alone a special needs child. ...
Elaine, on 08/05/2011

No, I've never had to live in a shelter. Was only trying to give you some options! Sorry if I offended!
Margaret, on 08/05/2011

I wish there were something I could say or do or even someone I know who could find someone, somehow to help. All I can do is pray very hard that you will find an answer - and quickly. I know ...
Cathy Rogers, on 08/05/2011

Margaret; Have you ever BEEN to a shelter? I have, once when my daughter got us kicked out of an apt. I had to sit with them until I confessed the "sin" that put me there. I'll opt for the street.
vbright, on 08/05/2011

Do you have a local women's shelter or rescue mission? If so, go there for temporary shelter and guidance. I'm sorry you're going through all of this! I pray you find the help you and your ...
Margaret, on 08/05/2011

oh Veeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!! what a nightmare.........sending prayers and love and praying for Divine Ideas or someone who has a solution to this.......praying boldly for miracles! lots of em!
petunia, on 08/05/2011

Your story could so easily be my story, were it not for my son finally getting the right diagnosis and proper medication. It's still hard - he's 32, and lives with his sister and step-brother, ...
CCGAL, on 08/05/2011

SEO Ranking Part 1
You're a wealth of information about SEO. Thank you!
Holistic_Health, on 08/05/2011

How to Google Adsense
Excellent information, just what I needed. Thank you, great help!
ForestBear, on 08/05/2011

St. Louis Zoo
I grew up in Illinois and we visited the St. Louis Zoo quite a bit. Fun place. Good recap of all it has to offer!
PeggyHazelwood, on 08/05/2011

Alex, The Cat Without A Tail
From what I've read, they're quite plentiful on the Isle of Man. Not so much where I live--our Alex is really unusual here!
MaxReily, on 08/05/2011

Who is Max Reily
I'm amazed at the number of nurses and retired nurses who are writing online! Who would have guessed there would be such an affinity!
MaxReily, on 08/05/2011