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Johnny Depp Character Costumes
Love these Johnny Depp character costumes!
bev-owens, on 08/03/2011
The Nesco Food Dehydrator -- Dry Your Own Fruit and Vegetables
This is one area I have never gotten in to. I do like dried fruits though. If I had a garden...I would probably want one for sure. Good useful information and pictures in the article.
ohcaroline, on 08/03/2011
How to Feed Hummingbirds by Hand and Pretty Hummingbird Photos
I love the hummingbirds, too. I especially enjoy a feeder very close to my kitchen window. I would love to learn to feed them by hand. Maybe I will try. Tho I would probably cry if it actually happened.
petunia, on 08/03/2011
Blogging And Social Media Impact
Indeed the internet has changed my life. I have met so many wonderful people - like you!
petunia, on 08/03/2011
Best Fiction for Third Culture Kids
Good job tackling a very unique situation. Not a topic most can relate to.
ohcaroline, on 08/03/2011
The Elf on The Shelf - A Delightful Christmas Tradition
I've never heard of this before...I know kids would be thrilled to participate in this tradition.
ohcaroline, on 08/03/2011
Choose a Buckwheat Pillow for a Good Night's Sleep
I sleep on a buckwheat pillow and I find it the best fit for me. I have tried every kind of pillow you can find and this is best. Mine has buckwheat on the bottom side and millet on the top side so it is smoother next to your head. My head ...
ohcaroline, on 08/03/2011
Jamberry | A Best Picture Book Review
Jamberry sounds like fun!
petunia, on 08/03/2011
The Elf on The Shelf - A Delightful Christmas Tradition
My Grandmother used to have an elf on the shelf...but that was long before the product came out. I think this would be fun to get for my grandbabies!
Veronica B, on 08/03/2011
Bev Owens In A Nutshell
My dad is 3/4 Native American, his mother full Choctaw, his father 1/2 Cherokee. Unfortunately, he was not close to his family and never spoke of them, so I never had the opportunity to know that side of the family. Despite that, I feel those ...
T_Harmon_Art, on 08/03/2011
Robin s Nest - A Backyard Adventure
Thank you all for commenting. Yes, I do love ALL animals, I am glad that comes through
nightbear, on 08/03/2011
Robin s Nest - A Backyard Adventure
What a treat to read! We were lucky to have robins nesting near our house these past two summers, and both times they had two clutches of eggs. We could kind of see them feeding their babies.
kajohu, on 08/02/2011
The Elf on The Shelf - A Delightful Christmas Tradition
I haven't heard of the Elf on the Shelf Tradition before -- it's a cute one that would be fun to introduce to my grandkids some year (one on the way, hopefully more to come!).
kajohu, on 08/02/2011
The Elf on The Shelf - A Delightful Christmas Tradition
My mom did this past year and it worked out perfect. And the kids loves it and so did the adults. I am looking forward to finding it this year.
sheila davis, on 08/02/2011
The Elf on The Shelf - A Delightful Christmas Tradition
The Elf on the Shelf sounds like a delightful Christmas tradition.
emeraldmile, on 08/02/2011

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