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Pictures of Caterpillars
Wonderful caterpillar page. Very interesting and love the photos.
ForestBear, on 08/03/2011
Google Social Networking
Thanks for this. I was starting to get a little interested in what it was all about. The circles sounds like a + for me. My facebook is a mess with all the noise. It is under my name and I am wondering but a fan account, to slow all the inputs ...
paperfacets, on 08/03/2011
American Girl Crafts
I love crafts, and my daughter does too. She's love these kits.
Jimmie, on 08/03/2011
American Girl Crafts
All the design and patters really are fun and inspirational Great craftsman as well. Thanks
Michey, on 08/03/2011
How to Make a Pom-Pom Bee
These are so cute. Thank you for the tutorial, I'll bookmark this. Great article!
ForestBear, on 08/03/2011
How I Use My Kindle
I want one too!! Great article, thank you Petunia
ForestBear, on 08/03/2011
How UK Writers Can Make Money Writing Articles
Even though, I am not a Brit writer it is interesting to see what you have to do differently in this business. You have to look at different trends too, like Not the American Girl Co.
paperfacets, on 08/03/2011
Glamping - Luxury Camping
Haha, glamping is what we have done, because we towed a short travel trailer to go with us. Just bought a used RV. See how that goes on the trail.
paperfacets, on 08/03/2011
A Toddler's Memories Of Childhood
Very nice. I don't remember my toddler years.
PeggyHazelwood, on 08/03/2011
Jamberry | A Best Picture Book Review
Sounds like a winner!
PeggyHazelwood, on 08/03/2011
Glamping - Luxury Camping
I've never been a camper... but a glamper? I think I'd give that a go! The only problem is in deciding which of those resorts to try first.
WordCustard, on 08/03/2011
Food Buffet Ideas | Shower Menus
I've never organised a shower and wouldn't know where to start, well at least not before I stopped by here. Your helpful advice would certainly help things run smoothly and the menu suggestions are perfect. Although I didn't know Robert Redford ...
WordCustard, on 08/03/2011
Best Fiction for Third Culture Kids
I had always thought of the benefits for a child belong to two cultures, and see now that it can also mean feeling like you belong to neither. It was interesting to learn to see these children as a third culture with the advantages and ...
WordCustard, on 08/03/2011
American Girl Crafts
We don't have American Girl Crafts where I live, which is a pity as I know someone who would love these. They do look like a whole lot of fun for young crafters.
WordCustard, on 08/03/2011
Cute TarePanda
What a sweet little panda the Tarepanda is! Could this be the new Hello Kitty? I think we all have days where we feel like Tarepanda, especially first thing in the morning! :)
WordCustard, on 08/03/2011

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