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Lake Griffin State Park Florida
I marked poll answer:"Because you wrote it", but that is not wholly true. We have the California Live Oak. It looks the same. I can enjoy some on my walk in the neighborhood. Enjoyed your oaks too.
paperfacets, on 08/04/2011

Black Christmas Ornaments
I never thought of black ornaments, I have never seen them and don't know if I can get them here. Black ornaments are definitely interesting.
mivvy, on 08/04/2011

The Elf on The Shelf - A Delightful Christmas Tradition
Thank you all! Our grandchildren named their elf "Gerald" and every Thanksgiving Gerald is put into action! the children delight in finding Gerald every morning after his visit to Santa and Gerald lands in some really unusual places! One ...
petunia, on 08/04/2011

The Elf on The Shelf - A Delightful Christmas Tradition
Delightful! I LOVE Christmas Traditions!!!
SidewalkPhilosopher, on 08/04/2011

The Elf on The Shelf - A Delightful Christmas Tradition
Great family tradition, I always embrace with grace traditions and heritage... as we must be proud of them and transmit them to kids and grands.
One of my family tradition was that at every Christmas we must add 2-3 ornaments for our tree... so ...
Michey, on 08/04/2011

A Second Chance
Thanks Charlotte...there are others on under Mom To The Zoo
So glad you enjoy hearing my stories! :)
SidewalkPhilosopher, on 08/04/2011

Why I Love My Christmas and St Patrick's Day Cookie Cutter Set
Ohcaroline, to get your cookies on the cookie sheet use a spatula and wriggle under the cookies but very carefully. The kitchen should not be too hot that helps as well.
mivvy, on 08/04/2011

Black Christmas Ornaments
I can see the black being elegant and toning down some of the brighter colors. My brother's tree usually looks like something from Halloween.
Holistic_Health, on 08/04/2011

Cute TarePanda
This little panda is adorable! I can see why it would be such a success.
Sylvestermouse, on 08/04/2011

A Second Chance
It's such a beautiful story. Thank you for sharing this with us. I am so happy for you, and I so admire the very beautiful heart that you have. Please continue to share more stories!
Charlotte, on 08/04/2011

Eugenia's Lyrics Of Faith
Thank you for stopping by to share my meanderings...I am so glad you enjoyed! :)
SidewalkPhilosopher, on 08/04/2011

A Toddler's Memories Of Childhood
So very glad you have all enjoyed sharing my childhood with me! :)
SidewalkPhilosopher, on 08/04/2011

Eugenia's Lyrics Of Faith
These are such beautiful words! Such a blessing to me. God bless!
Charlotte, on 08/04/2011

A Toddler's Memories Of Childhood
Wow these are wonderful memories! I really really enjoyed reading this. Some of it is funny and others are just so beautiful. I wish I could remember my childhood better though. Thank you for sharing this with us!
Charlotte, on 08/04/2011

Black Christmas Ornaments
No, my tree is usually old fashioned country style. Last year I bought a bushy Norfolk Island Pine and decorated it with decorations we have used for many many years...I tend to like decorations that bring back memories. Nice lens, though:-)
happynutritionist, on 08/04/2011