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Cute TarePanda
Thank you for stopping by Sylvestermouse, WordCustard & Brenda.
I sometimes feel like tarepanda too :-)
ForestBear, on 08/04/2011

Aggressive Plants in Your Landscaping
really useful information. My wife has flowers all around the perimeter of the property as well as on all sides of the house, yet there always seems to be a place for something else that somehow catches our fancy...
samsons1, on 08/04/2011

Google Plus Secrets Joel Comm
Looking forward to reading Joel's report. Thanks for telling us about it. So far, I am loving Google+
bev-owens, on 08/04/2011

Best Affiliate Programs For Beginners
Thanks Rebecca for the kind comment and stopping by!!!
Natasha, on 08/04/2011

Brain Fun During TV Commercials
What fun ideas....I have to say that the commercial in the list that gets me the most is the woman coming home to a computer store as a home makeover...huh? Looking for the humor in them is a great idea...the other is tape and fast-forward:-)
happynutritionist, on 08/04/2011

Butterfly Garden
I spent time watching a tiger swallowtail in my garden, with camera in hand...and what a challenge to get a picture, he/she was very camera shy:-) I decided to just enjoy the moment.
happynutritionist, on 08/04/2011

Wizzley Banners
Nice to see these, I've seen them on pages and wondered where they came from:-)
happynutritionist, on 08/04/2011

Eugenia's Lyrics Of Faith
Sheila, I am so glad you enjoyed the poems and were touched by them!
SidewalkPhilosopher, on 08/04/2011

Best Affiliate Programs For Beginners
This is great information, and easy to nderstand, I've not tried Chitika yet, but will look into it.
RebeccaE, on 08/04/2011

Eugenia's Lyrics Of Faith
Eugenia, thank you for sharing such uplifting words. Your sentiments touch my heart. I could even imagine hearing you sing these poems!
sheilamarie, on 08/04/2011

Best Affiliate Programs For Beginners
Chitika is certainly a must join. Though it is not as high paying as Adsense or Amazon, but you can certainly make some extra bucks without losing any revenue from adsense or amazon. Also, it has a low payout limit. Let me know if at all you ...
Natasha, on 08/04/2011

Google Plus Secrets Joel Comm
I am enjoying finding my way around Google Plus and yes, ordering the free book. Thank you,Michey!
petunia, on 08/04/2011

Best Affiliate Programs For Beginners
I use all but Chitika but now I may join.
good article
Guest, on 08/04/2011

Who is happynutritionist on Wizzley?
hello and it's nice to meet you.
Guest, on 08/04/2011

Michey's Wizzography
Thanks so much, and by the way I use a lot route 23...
Michey, on 08/04/2011