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Christmas iPhone Cases
Really adorable. I have an Iphone 4 and I really need one of these for my iphone now. I think I know what I need from Santa Claus this year ;) Thanks for writing this!!
Natasha, on 08/04/2011
Michey's Wizzography
Thank you Michey, for visiting my Wizzography...I am just starting here on Wizzley, yes, that is amazing that you are about 30-40 minutes away...I wonder if our paths have ever crossed in the stores on route 23:-) You are a dear to care for ...
happynutritionist, on 08/04/2011
Best Affiliate Programs For Beginners
Hi Samsons. I am glad you liked the article and I hope by joining your interested program will bring in more money for you. Thanks for stopping by!!
Natasha, on 08/04/2011
Best Affiliate Programs For Beginners
Well written and informative. I really enjoyed this article and see one or two affiliates I'm interested in.
samsons1, on 08/04/2011
Who is happynutritionist on Wizzley?
Thank for letting us know you better. It is a small world overall... I am living In NE New Jersey, town Verona; Essex county. Always glad to meet other New Jersey people. Regards All the best Michey
Michey, on 08/04/2011
Google Plus Secrets Joel Comm
Well, it looks good, regardless who or whom is to blame! LOL
SidewalkPhilosopher, on 08/04/2011
Writers Need Money: A Justification for Publishing
very good read, glad to see you here. Will stumble...
sam, on 08/04/2011
How to Feed Hummingbirds by Hand and Pretty Hummingbird Photos
I love watching hummingbirds. Thanks for a beautiful Wizzley.
mbgphoto, on 08/04/2011
Why I Love My Christmas and St Patrick's Day Cookie Cutter Set
Making sugar cut-outs is a Christmas tradition in our home. I stocked up on cookie cutters after Christmas last year, looking forward to more cookie making this year. We love to make colored sugar (with sugar and food coloring, so easy) and add ...
Jimmie, on 08/04/2011
Writing For Money and Quality
that's teh general idea in my mind the better quality you have the more money you will make long-term.
RebeccaE, on 08/04/2011
Who is happynutritionist on Wizzley?
LOL...okay, you can say a little more than howdy if you feel like it...thanks for the laugh and saying hello.
happynutritionist, on 08/04/2011
Who is happynutritionist on Wizzley?
Howdy! :)
chefkeem, on 08/04/2011
Capture everyone’s attention at the after-prom party
interesting to read especially since we haven't got this get together in this style where I live.
mivvy, on 08/04/2011
American Girl Crafts
No, but this will be fun when my granddaughters are older. I love the books, too.
sheilamarie, on 08/04/2011
Photography on Zazzle
This sounds really interesting. I signed up with Zazzle a week ago, but did not know how to continue. I have loads of photos and, like you, looked at stock photo selling sites etc etc, but I did not really like them. What size should a photo be ...
mivvy, on 08/04/2011

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