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Epic Line | Viking Art Glass
I have a few pieces, and art glass is a beautiful thing to collect. Although each era had its own style, I like the way glass is almost always stylish and has a place in any home.
WordCustard, on 08/05/2011
St. Louis Zoo
It's hard to choose just one, all animals hold a fascination for me in different ways and sometimes the most fun and interesting to me are the ones everyone else walks straight past on their way to the monkeys, penguins, or whatever. St Louis ...
WordCustard, on 08/05/2011
Creating a New Me!
This is such an inspiring story! I know how it feels to gain weight due to depression then be depressed because you've gained weight (or vice-versa). Either way it's a vicious cycle. The good news is it CAN be conquered, and I know you're going ...
MaxReily, on 08/05/2011
What are Old Wives' Tales?
These are entertaining, and yes I welcome black cats crossing my path too. I think here on the other side of the pond we share several of these and maybe sent them your way to begin with or adopted others from you, but another one I can think of ...
WordCustard, on 08/05/2011
Brain Fun During TV Commercials
I try not to waste time in life - and watching commercials is a big waste of time - so during commercials I usually do some stretching and breathing exercises. I sometimes do some soduko or just talk with my son. I honestly don't watch much tv.
dustytoes, on 08/05/2011
Macro Photography
Love your photos of flowers. I have several in my zazzle store (most from visiting OUR botanical garden at Powell Gardens!) and I really enjoy getting the close-ups. I found, too, that I shouldn't try to get too close to my subject as I can ...
T_Harmon_Art, on 08/05/2011
Should You Categorize by Design or Product on Zazzle?
I do not have a store, but I have been thinking about it and this discussion was helpful.
paperfacets, on 08/05/2011
Running A Zazzle Business: What Works For Me
Thanks for sharing this. Zazzle would surely help photography students earn some side income while in school. Will pass this on to someone I know.
Sara @ Breville Smart Oven, on 08/05/2011
My Zazzle Success Story
Thanks for sharing this and good luck in future.
Sara, on 08/05/2011
How to Feed Hummingbirds by Hand and Pretty Hummingbird Photos
I had no idea at all that you could feed hummingbirds by hand. Very interesting article.
KathyMcGraw, on 08/05/2011
Playhut Tents - The Mega Playland
Tents are great for those cold wintery days. Just look for the ones that are easy to set up and take down.
Sara @ dyson dc35, on 08/05/2011
The Best Outdoor Toys
Hit A Away is a good workout. At our home basketball is always #1. Thanks for sharing this.
Sara , on 08/05/2011
Google Plus Secrets Joel Comm
Me too, I have a lot of fun with Google+ and I am amused how a platform which at the first glance looks so simple, it really has so much functionality. In the report Joel explains how Google+ can help our businesses, how we can brand ourselves, ...
Michey, on 08/04/2011
Fun Snacks for Kids: Crunchy Pizza Toast
Great for the days when you don't have answer to "what's for dinner"
Sara, on 08/04/2011
Robin s Nest - A Backyard Adventure
Yes, we also have nesting robins in the spring. Bird watching is a good medicine...
samsons1, on 08/04/2011

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