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Sewing Crafts to Repurpose Jeans
These are fresh and new ideas for denim. The apron with the pockets is perfect for craft group project day. Nothing will get missing.
paperfacets, on 08/03/2011
Jaguars The Big Cats Of The Americas
My boys are fascinated by big cats of all kinds. We usually hear about the African and Indian cats though, I tend to forget that there are big cats in the Americas.
TerriRexson, on 08/03/2011
What to do after buying an android phone
My son and daughter both have one of these, and run circles around me with my older style phone. If I ever get one, aside from my children, this will be a great resource!
happynutritionist, on 08/03/2011
The Nesco Food Dehydrator -- Dry Your Own Fruit and Vegetables
I didn't know dehydrating could be done at home. I always buy packets to be used when I go on (long) cycling trips.
mivvy, on 08/03/2011
Fire Destroys Susan52's Home
Thanks for putting this together, Joan. Susan, you are in my prayers. Thank God you and your family are safe!
sheilamarie, on 08/03/2011
A Discovery of Witches - A Vampire Romance for Adults
Well done review...not necessarily my type of reading material, but you've presented it well:-) The only vampires I ever had any "involvement" with were in the old TV series many years ago, Dark Shadows.
happynutritionist, on 08/03/2011
Food Buffet Ideas | Shower Menus
I like the simplicity of the foods you suggest for a shower. Great suggestions and the recipe sounds good for any occasion:-)
happynutritionist, on 08/03/2011
Jamberry | A Best Picture Book Review
Never heard as well, but it looks like a great book for kids, and I like your presentation.
Michey, on 08/03/2011
Jamberry | A Best Picture Book Review
Never heard of this one but it's now on my list for grandchildren!
Dianne, on 08/03/2011
Blogging And Social Media Impact
@petunia You are absolutely right, Internet influence a lot my life... and it has changed for the better. So I am sad when I see bad apples, but I'll continue to follow my path with the Internet, yes, I take some personal preconditions for my ...
Michey, on 08/03/2011
The Elf on The Shelf - A Delightful Christmas Tradition
This is a new tradition to me too, yeh, I learned something new today:-) So cute!
happynutritionist, on 08/03/2011
A Toddler's Memories Of Childhood
Such fun to read your memories! I can remember flashes and bits and pieces from those toddler years that seem lost on my siblings. Thanks for sharing!
mandeesears, on 08/03/2011
Jamberry | A Best Picture Book Review
I remember Jamberry from when my kids were little! It's a marvelously happy book to read!
kajohu, on 08/03/2011
The Elf on The Shelf - A Delightful Christmas Tradition
I never heard of the elf on the shelf, even though I live in Europe.
mivvy, on 08/03/2011
Jamberry | A Best Picture Book Review
This looks like a delightful book. I would like to read it to someone. I like the rhyming aspects of it.
ohcaroline, on 08/03/2011

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